Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing in Economic Development

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International or regional training was also considered, but was not tha most appropriate soiu- 
— The number of persons per country to be trained at the operator level is usually large enough 
to make à national or institutional training programme feasible, 
At national level, training programmes can be better geared to national. needs and circums 
tances. This is sven more true for in-service type training where the specific needs of the map- 
ping organization concerned can receive full attention. 
In view of the large number of people to be trained, the cost for international or regional 
training is too high. Moreover, at the lowest professional level, language problems may prove 
to be a serious handicap for effective international or regional education. 
Against this background, we have recently developed an alternative system- for optimal train- 
ing of photogrammetric operators/technicians-consisting of * Individualized Training Packages''. 
The method used was derived from an ILO approach to vocational training called "modules of 
employable skilis" [1LO, 1981]. The purpose of this paper is to introduce this system and pre- 
sent an operational application, 
Individualized Training Packages are university applicable training programme developed by 
specialized institutes, such as ITC, with extensive experience in teaching, an available staff specia- 
lized in photogrammetry and education, adequate back-up services and sufficient funds to support 
the project for the number of years required to develop it. They are intended to be purchased by 
individual mapping organizations and/or educational institutions-which especially in developing 
countries do not have the appropríate resources to prepare them themselves-to satisfy their parti- 
cular employment needs. 
An Individualized Training Package for a given job has the following characteristics: 
— It is comprehensive. It consists of all ma terials needed for learning the specific skills required 
to perform the component tasks of a job. It makes available the necessary learning material, 
work material and equipment to support local supervisors whose means are often limited. It 
also includes supervisor and trainee guides for-efficient use of the packages. 
— It is flexible, It is adaptable to the particular trainee and the specific employment criteria in a 
particular organization. This is made possible by the modular structure of the training 
package and the choice of working methods (procedures) and training materials. 
— itis, in principle, as much as possible ''learner-oriented'', but provision is made for training 
qualified supervisors. The learning material is for use by the trainee who is expected to learn 
from it by himself and at his own speed. It includes instructional text books, assignments and 
Short special training programmes are being developed to enable future training supervisors 
to introduce the Individualized Training Packages in their organizations and to ensure continua- 
tion of the training. For this they will learn: how to introduce the training in such a way that it 
fits optimally to their training needs; how to assure that their organization's environment is app- 
ropriate for implementing the training; how to compile "personalized training packages"; how to 
supervise the training process; how to collect, analyze and judge evaluation data and results, and 
how to start new future training programmes. 

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