Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing in Economic Development

Training at the GDTA 
B. Delor 
GDTA, Toulouse 
The GDTA (Groupement pour le Dévelopment de la Télédétection Aérospatiale), or Aerospace 
Remote Sensing Development Group) is a GIE (groupement d'intéret économique) with an annual 
budget of FF 17 million. It has five members: 
the BOPA (Bureau pour le Dévelopment de la Production Agricole) 
the BRGM Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minieres) 
CNES (Centre Netional d'Etudes Spatiales) 
the IFP (/nstitut Francais du Petrole) 
the IGN /nstitut Géographique National) 
One of the main functions of the GDTA is to provide professional remote sensing training. 
original feature is that the GDTA teaches on/y remote sensing; another is that the courses are 
given for professionals, by professionals. The main center of activity is Toulouse (France), but 
the GDTA is also very active abroad. 
The GDTA implements remote sensing policy as laid down by the French Ministries of 
Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, and thus plays a significant international role. It is active in 
both English-speaking and French-speaking countries. The work of the GDTA includes: 
contributing logistic support and personnel; 
sending experts abroad on secondment; 
providing hardware; 
supporting training activities; 
assisting in remote sensing prograrms. 
There are two levels of activity: 
Regional Level, i.e. cooperation reflecting the needs expressed in a particular region such as 
East Africa. In Africa, locations include: 
The RRSC (Regional Remote Sensing Center) at Nairobi, and 
The KREMU (Kenyan Rangeland Ecological Monitoring Unit) 
(Instruction at these centers is mainly in English). 
The CRTO (Centre Regional de Teledetection de Ouagadougou) 
(Instruction mainly in French). 
An example of a center in south-east Asia is the AIT (Asian Institute of Technology). 
National Level. Here, examples include: 
Asia: the University of Yogjakarta, in Indonesia 
South America: the CIAF (Centro Intramericano de Ferointerpretacioni, in Bogota, Colom- 
bia, and 
The Ivory Coast 

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