Full text: Geoinformation for practice

In the next interpolation, the points with high weights attract the 
surface. Others will have a less influence. So interpolated 
surface runs nearer to the ground. Off-terrain points are 
classified on the basis of given threshold value for residuals. 
However, this algorithm is well suited for filtering of datasets, 
where outliers are not grouped locally, but spread over a whole 
dataset (the case 2 in next article). This situation arrives mostly 
by scanning of wooded areas. 
2.3 Hierarchic robust interpolation 
To make this algorithm applicable for datasets, where off- 
terrain points are grouped locally (large buildings, city areas), 
the above-mentioned method is applicable, but in a hierarchical 
environment. The approach relies on hierarchical using of data 
pyramids. At the first, the data are thinned out to the level 
where distribution of off-terrain points allows the above- 
mentioned filtering method to be applied on the right way. The 
thinning is done on a regular grid basis, where the selected 
point is the lowest point inside one grid cell. After filtering of 
data with robust linear prediction and generating a first 
approximation of DTM, the data are compared with data of 
higher resolution and points within certain interval are taken 
into next iteration. The method iterates with data at higher 
resolution level until all data are classified. A result of filtering 
is given in figures 4 and 5. 
Figure 4. Vaihingen an OEEPE test, original data in a shading 
(from Kraus and Pfeiffer 2001) 
Figure 5. Vaihingen an OEEPE test, filtered data in a shading 
(from Kraus and Pfeiffer 2001) 
Details of the hierarchical approach, their implementation in 
SCOP software and the results of some examples are described 
in (Briese et al. 2000) and (Pfeifer et al. 2001) 
2.4 Morphological filtering 
Another commonly used concept to remove off-terrain points is 
morphological analysis. It describes a range of non-linear image 
processing techniques that deal with the shape or morphology 
of features in an image. Morphological operations use a small 
shape or template, known as a structuring element (SE). This 
element is positioned at all possible locations in the image and 
is compared to corresponding neighborhoods of pixels. 
The most primitive morphological operations, the dilation and 
erosion, are defined on the domain of a binary image. The 
morphological dilation expands or dilates an image. It shrinks 
the holes enclosed by a single region and makes the gaps 
between different regions smaller. 
Figure 6. Morphological erosion, performed by B as a 
structuring element 
Applied on the greyscale image, the dilation finds a minimum 
of the combination of pixel values and kernel function (given 
by structuring element) within a specified neighborhood of each 
pixel. The erosion returns a maximum on the same way. 
Compound morphological operations are combinations of the 
elementary operations of erosion and dilation. They are 
morphological opening and morphological closing. 
Morphological opening involves the application of erosion, 
followed by dilation. Moreover, morphological closing does the 
dilation first, followed by erosion. 
The morphological opening operator is well known and 
common used filter for extraction of the “bare” ground from 
topographic LIDAR data. It is simple and fast, so therefore is 
used by many providers of laser scanner data. However, such 
filter, that keeps extreme values only, leaves unwanted gross- 
errors in dataset. This often leads to unacceptable results after 
DTM interpolation. The impact of filtering a LIDAR dataset 
with morphological opening is shown on figure 7. An upper 
half is unfiltered data and lower part shows filtered data. As it 
can be seen in this shading, the vegetation structures are not 
removed completely and negative errors in dataset are stressed 
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