Full text: Geoinformation for practice

Aadnevik Kjell Einar', Bacié Zeljko?, Onsrud Helge! 
! Statens kartverk, Norway, kjell-einar.aadnevik@statkart.no, helge.onsrud@statkart.no 
* State Geodetic Administration, Croatia, zeljko.bacic@dgu.hr 
Croatian-Norwegian cooperation, digital cadastre, scanning and vectorisation. 
Statens kartverk (SK) on Norwegian side and State Geodetic Administration (SGA) together with Croatian Geodetic Institute (CGI) 
on Croatian side, as authorized national representatives, signed in December 2001 Agreement on implementation of a jointly funded 
project for improving the capacity of establishing the cadastral and topographic map databases in Croatia, and in December 2002 
Agreement on implementation of a jointly funded project for improving real estate information and the geographic data 
infrastructure in Croatia. 
Major components in both projects are development of the process line for scanning and vectorisation of cadastral maps and 
development of the production environment for establishment of a digital cadastre in Croatia. Explicit project tasks are to develop 
the process line for scanning and efficient (semi)automatic vectorisation of 50.000 sheets of cadastral maps, to implement this 
solution in 20 cadastral regional offices, its dissemination to private sector, training and education of staff and the establishment of 
organisational structure which will guarantee efficient production. To support those activities a well known Norwegian company, 
ProCaptura, has been awarded the contract. 
In this paper the first project results are presented with emphasize on technical cooperation and technology transfer. The value of 
this cooperation is not only visible in terms of technical cooperation and technology transfer, but also in the development of new 
technology and solutions. Therefore this project was a challenge for all parties. Tight cooperation was a necessary precondition to 
achieve any results. Establishing such working environment, solution has been developed for which international interest already 
exists. The project clearly shows the benefits of international technical cooperation and of creating a mutual win-win situation. 
The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, acting on behalf of 
the Norwegian government, has agreed to assist the Croatian 
State Geodetic Administration and the Croatian Geodetic 
Institute to improve their capacity to establish cadastral map 
databases, which is of vital importance to the emerging land 
market as well as for reconstruction and development in 
Croatia. The assistance will be implemented through jointly 
funded projects referred to as CRONO GIP I and II. This 
cooperation shall support a World Bank funded project as well 
as a CARDS project by the European Union, both in pipeline 
for assisting Croatia in the field of cadastre and land 
registration. The CRONO GIP project is divided in different 
components of which one of them comprises the establishment 
of digital cadastre. 
Based on the main agreement, a contract between State 
Geodetic Administration and Kongsberg Scanners, related to 
the digital cadastre, was signed in December 2001. Kongsberg 
Scanners provides goods and services in accordance with a 
Firm Price Offer accepted by SGA in agreement with SK. 
Kongsberg Scanners has now changed name to ProCaptura. 
A new agreement between the same parties was signed in 
December 2002, building on the on-going jointly funded project 
CRONO GIP I. The new project, CRONO GIP II, will support 
and expedite a number of planned initiatives to establish real 
estate registers, topographic maps and geographic data 
infrastructure in Croatia. One of the 4 components of the new 
project comprises “Production of digital cadastral maps”. The 
aim is to enhance the capacity developed by the first joint 
Croatian — Norwegian project to establish digital cadastral data. 
An important precondition for the CRONO GIP project was the 
organizational issues. Establishing a successful digital cadastre 
system and use of new technology raise serious management 
and organizational requirements. The working environment is 
important. Software and hardware has been purchased and 
installed, of which the scanner is the basic equipment for 
enhancing the efficiency. Safety requirements, quality regime 
and logistic issues have to be handled. 
The cadastral data is a vital part of a parcel based Land 
Information System that includes rights, restrictions and 
responsibilities in land and property. The system is urgently 
needed for the management of land as a resource from both an 
economic and environmental perspective. It is vital to achieve 
sustainable development of land resources. The Land 
Information System assists agricultural development, facilitate 
trade and industrial progress. A formal system is necessary to 
register land and property and hence to provide secure 
ownership, securing investments and other rights for people, 
companies and the state in real property. This is an 
indispensable tool for a market economy to work properly. 

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