Full text: Geoinformation for practice

7. Describe temporary processes for continued work with 
manual cadastre information. 
8. Describe a temporary solution for storage and retrieval 
of vectorised cadastre maps. 
9. Develop an exchange format for cadastre data. 
10. Design, develop and implement a database solution in 
SGA for storage and retrieval of vectorised cadastre 
11. Undertake upload and retrieval of digital cadastre data. 
3.6 Support to the consultancy work 
For the project ProCaptura needs access to management 
resources in SGA. In addition they also need assistance from 
other resources for database configuration under the Oracle and 
Intergraph GeoMedia environment. Contract is signed between 
ProCaptura and Project Management and Mapping, PMM, as 
sub supplier. The consultancy will be undertaken in 
cooperation with PMM's Croatian partner company, Geofoto. 
The digital cadastre project as explained above, will be 
undertaken in 2 phases, the implementation phase and the 
monitoring phase. 
3.6.1 Implementation phase: This phase was planned to last 
from January to September 2003 and consists of the following 
main tasks: 
1. Fact finding, prepare objectives and scopes. 
2. Develop product descriptions for digital cadastre 
3. Prepare process descriptions and describe standard 
work procedures for vectorisation of cadastre maps. 
4. Develop bid documents and draft contract for 
vectorisation of cadastre maps. 
5. Develop quality assurance system. 
6. Develop reporting system for the vectorisation work. 
7. Describe temporary process for continued work with 
manual cadastre information. 
8. Describe a temporary solution for storage and retrieval. 
9. Develop an exchange format for transfer of cadastre 
10. Design, develop and implement a database solution in 
SGA for storage and retrieval. 
11. Undertake upload and retrieval of digital cadastre data. 
This is in accordance with the offer in 3.5. 
3.6.2 Monitoring phase: This phase is planned to last at least 
2 years or more, starting January 2003. The main idea of the 
monitoring phase is to continue to improve the efficiency of the 
production line. PMM will also support ProCaptura in their 
process of further development and improvement of the 
vectorisation software. This should be carefully linked to the 
recently started World Bank and European Union supported 
Real Property Registration and Cadastre project, which will 
also have to solve the problem of transformation of the 
enormous amount of cadastre data not present in a “real” 
coordinate system. 
4.1 Cooperation 
A crucial issue at the beginning of the project was to establish 
efficient ways of cooperation to satisfy both parties, Croatian as 
a recipient and Norwegian as a donor side. To achieve this both 
sides have invested lot of time and efforts in the preparatory 
phase for both CRONO GIP I and CRONO GIP II. The 
intention is to transfer the needs of the Croatian side into well 
defined and specified project documents understandable not 
only to the Norwegian side but also to any technically skilled 
observer. Furthermore clear and well measurable goals have 
been set for each component of the projects, as well as personal 
responsibilities have been assigned to involved persons. The 
approach enabled both sides to monitor progress of the project 
in all its stages and intervene in any appropriate moment. 
4.2. Participation 
Experts from Statens kartverk and Norwegian companies 
brought into the project high level of professionalism and 
responsibility showing also high devotement in the execution. 
It is not rare case in such technical cooperation projects that 
recipient side has certain problems. Reasons for this may 
differ, but very often they relay on the fact that at the beginning 
of the cooperation frank and open relations between the parties 
have not been established, goals of cooperation have not been 
well specified, people involved in project changed, or the 
projects are not well incorporated into the regular activities of 
the recipient. It has been observed that the consultants and the 
recipient parties from time to time have had different opinions 
about the responsibilities of the consultant versus the 
responsibilities of the client. The consultants should of course 
deliver value for money, but at the same time the client must 
take active part in the work ensuring that the results are adopted 
as the "property" of the client. On the job training and learning 
from an active participation in all steps of the projects is of 
course also an issue. 
To improve cooperation the State Geodetic Administration and 
Croatian Geodetic Institute have introduced a couple of basic 
principles for their international, as well as for any domestic 
cooperation. Those principles are: 
- any cooperation has to be integral part of the regular 
activities of those two institutions defined in the 
Program of state survey and real-estate cadastre 
(Croatian State Parliament, 2001), 
- any cooperation has to be financially supported by all 
parties involved and 
- all decisions made in frame of some cooperation have 
to be made in agreement of all parties regardless to 
financial input of each of them. 
Application of those principles on the Norwegian-Croatian 
project from Croatian side, as well as on all other projects, 
ensured active Croatian participation and devotement. For 
example Croatian financial participation in both projects 
exceeds 40% of the total costs. 
4.3. Organisational issues 
During the execution of the project several organisational issues 
had to be solved due to underestimated workload or to other 
problems which appeared. 
4.3.1 Staff: It has appeared a couple of times during execution 
of the project that the State Geodetic Administration has had to 
improve the organisation of the work on it’s side. One of the 
reasons for this was also the fact that the State Geodetic 
Administration does not have any in-house production capacity 
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