Full text: Geoinformation for practice

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CRONO GIP is one of very good examples of internationally 
planned and executed professional projects containing elements 
of technology and knowledge transfer, education, training and 
specialization in specific field of professional work. Efficiency 
of realization is based on several important elements, i.e.: 
- Very clear and precise definition of project 
objectives, expected results and activities (Terms of 
Reference) with precise and strict planning, 
management and project execution 
- Excellent ^ coordination between responsible 
institutions, companies and state bodies involved in 
- Excellent and fruitful collaboration between 
Norwegian consultants, Croatian experts and 
SGA/CGI employees, 
- High level of motivation of Croatian institutions to 
improve and upgrade their own professional activities 
following recent international and European 
experiences and technological development 
- Appropriate technical level and knowledge on 
Croatian side like basis for "easy", logical and 
sustainable organizational and professional upgrade 
and improvement 
- Partially Croatian financial funding of project 
realization, etc. 
Additionally, if one considers the impact of CRONO GIP 
realization on CGI as a very young and still not completely 
developed Croatian professional institution, great benefit can be 
recognized in full extent from the work in multi-language 
environment to the technological and other integration into the 
geodetic space of the united Europe. In that sense, the 
specialization and education of CGI's employees, qualified 
engineers of geodesy already is and will be of great importance 
for all future works. 
After all, technical and financial help of the Kingdom of 
Norway, through realization of CRONO GIP, will significantly 
improve and speed up specific professional activities in the 
Republic of Croatia as one of the central European transition 
Program Management and Mapping, 2002. CRONO GIP 
Croatian Norwegian Geolnformation Project - Inception study 
report, Zagreb, Croatia. 
Statens  Kartverk, 2001. Terms of reference for the 
implementation of component b) and c) of the Norwegian 
assisted Project in Croatia for enhancing the capabilities of the 
Croatian Government to build a National Spatial Data 
Infrastructure. Appendix A to the Contract, Oslo, Norway. 
Statens Kartverk, 2002. Agreement for improving real estate 
information and geographic data infrastructure in Croatia, 
Zagreb, Croatia. 
Croatian Geodetic Institute wishes to acknowledge his great 
appreciation and gratitude to all Norwegian official state and 
professional institutions, companies and people for their 
assistance and support which have contributed in one way or 
another towards the successful planning, implementation, 
tracking and realization of the Croatian-Norwegian 
Geolnformation Project. CGI especially wishes to acknowledge 
his appreciation, gratitude and thanks to the Ambassador of 
Norway in Zagreb, His Excellency Mr. Knut Terrasen and to 
the officials of the Norwegian Mapping Authority: Director 
General Mr. Knut O. Flathen, Senior Adviser Mr. Helge Onsrud 
and Senior Engineer Mr. Kjell E. Aadnevik. Finally CGI wishes 
to express its deepest thanks to CRONO GIP team leader Mr. 
Jostein Sageie and the whole PMM consultant's team for all 
fruitful discussions, recommendations, guidance and efforts 
invested in the realization of the project. 

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