Full text: Geoinformation for practice

should be Stewart/Landata team developed formal customized classes in client has the option of extending the support period on an 
the use, maintenance and administration of the Cadastre and annual basis. 
Land Book application are being provided in Bucharest for the 
ET system administrators, the IT support personnel, and the end 3. SYSTEM DETAILS 
plication, users. The client has elected to utilize the “teach the teachers” 
ited from approach to the classes so that the client will be able to provide 3.1 The Overall System Architecture 
libraries, additional education to the users in the future. The customized 
e efficient user’s manuals (translated into Romanian) are the major source Figure 2 shows the design of the architecture that is being 
Various material for the application education classes. In addition to the implemented in the land/cadastre registry information system. 
cept in the training courses specific to the application, IBM is providing a This integrated Cadastre and Land Book system will be a 
uring the series of courses specific to the hardware/networking distributed or client/server computing system with various 
üntenance environment, as well as formalized courses specific to the computers performing unique tasks. This creates the distributed 
database (Oracle). computing architecture that will be matched to the business and 
integration requirements. 
2.8 Project Management 
There are two central database systems, one for the cadastre and 
| software Project management is one of the most critical components of a ~~ one for the land book. On the Judet' (and the District of 
all of the smooth operating project. The larger the project, the more Bucharest) level, the Cadastre Offices communicate the 
conducted significant this role becomes. There are typically 2 layers to cadastral updates to the central cadastral database system. For 
y the end project management, the first from the contractor, the second the Land Book, the main Land Book Office (located in the Judet 
, SO as to from the client. This creates a central “go-to” point for the capital city) is responsible for communicating the land book 
thly. The resolution of issues, final decisions, and status reporting. For updates for the entire Judet to the central land book database. 
test cases. this project, IBM and Stewart/Landata assigned full-time, senior The smaller Land Book Offices of the Judet will make their 
the client project managers to coordinate, and communicate with the updates to the central land book database via the main Judet 
n of the client. From the client, a single overall Project Manager was land book office. 
t two pilot assigned who worked in conjunction with a Project 
Implementation Unit (PIU), as well as a cross-departmental The design is such that any land book/cadastral request will be 
Steering Committee. This Steering Committee of the key made and delivered via the Internet (Internet users are defined 
executives has been used effectively to rapidly address and —— as “Ull, Ul2, Uln, etc. in Figure 2). This will include the land 
resolve problems in the development of the project. book office’s requests for cadastral data and vice versa. Data 
e able to update, however, will be conducted over the internal 
2.9 Project Support communication/network links as shown in Figure 3. 
A significant component for the project is application and user It should be noted that Figure 3 depicts the concept and 
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[Municipiul Bucuresti District 
Figure 2. Overall System Architecture 
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Figure 2. Overall System Architecture 
requirement that data is only entered once in the system. Once 
support following the implementation roll-out. For this project, the data is entered at the Judet level, it updates the respective 
an initial support period of 3 years is being provided. This central databases. Updates between the central databases occur 
Therefore, consists of 24-hour telephone support for the applications and 
fort is the databases upon completion of the Pre Tap S tr ! *DJCGC" is the Judet Office for Cadastre, Geodesy & 
Pd provided by a local team on an as needed basis. If required, the Cartography. Each Judet has an official OJCGC office, 
typically located in the capital city of the Judet. 

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