Full text: Geoinformation for practice

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UML application schema has been made according to the rules 
defined by the standard 79 109-Rules for Application schema 
that defines the principals of producing the application schema. 
The spatial characteristics of the classes are described 
according to the rules defined in the standard 79 107 Spatial 
The application schema expressed through UML (Unified 
Modeling Language) is made with software tool Rational 
ID osnowi iden 
katastarske opéi 
broj toëke katastarsk 
Zigeometija : GM. Point 
ko : KOKlasifikacijskaLista 
bilizacija : TKSifraStabilizacije 
status : TKSifraStatusa 
elaboratje ispis broja elaborata kojim se tocka katastarske testice 
uspostaVja na katastarskom planu, mijenja njoj pripadajuci polozaj 
tocke ili toka prestaje biti dio sluzbenog prikaza katastarskog plana. 
nije obavezan podatak 
del ng 
üpredhodniBroj : Integer 
<<Codelist>> TKSifraStatusa _<<Codelist>> 
KOKlasifikacijskaLista TKSifraStabilizacije 
1.medna oznaka 
1 300900 1.sluzbena 2.lomna tocka zgrade 
2 300918 2.u promjeni 3.lomna toëka linije gradevine 
3 300926 unijeta 4 lomna toëka ograde 
4 300934 4 prestala biti dio sluzbenog prikaza 
5 lomna tocka jarka ili kanala 
6.nestabilizrana toëka 
8konstrukcijom dobivena toëka na spornoj medi 
3305. 335762 
Popis sh matiéniih brojeva KO dan je u 
eksternoj datoteci "ko Xs’ 
Figure 7. Part of UML application schema, class diagram of 
The experiences gathered through the development of 
automatic conversion of application schema, and the 
standardisation in the field of geoinformation (ISO standards) 
have served for the production of XML application schema of 
the Cadastre Data Model (KaMP schema). 
In the process of producing the Cadastre Data Model and its 
application schema that serves for the establishment and 
transfer of cadastre data, we have been guided by the world 
trends in object-oriented modeling and database designing. 
The technique of MDA approach (Model Driven Approach) 
has been applied for the first time enabling the automation of 
the schema production process for data transfer, from its 
conceptual part to its technical, i.e. implementing part. 
Application schema expressed through UML (Unified 
Modeling Language) has been made by the software tool 
Rational Rose that is preferred in the filed of designing, 
development, production and maintenance of information 
system in the wide spectre of human activity. By means of 
Rational Rose, the automatic generation of UML class diagrams 
of conceptual model has been made in XML/DTD (Document 
Type Definition) document. 
By means of a model for transferring XML/DTD into XML 
schema, the parts of the schema have been made, i.e. XML 
description of Cadastre Data Model Classes necessary for the 
KaMP schema. 
XML descriptions of Cadastre Data Model classes are 
additionally adjusted in the software tool XML Spy, where the 
adjusted semantics of XML is congruent to the semantics of 
XML prescribed by ISO standards. In XML Spy the validity of 
forms and the validity of schema parts have been checked, i.e. 
the correctness of the Cadastre Data Model Schema has been 
tested that provides .a unique transfer of cadastral data 
independent of original software in which the data have been 
made in CAD form. 
KaMP XML schema 
<xsd:schema targetNamespace="http://www.geofoto.hr/KaMP" 
xmins="http://www.geofoto.hr/KaMP" elementFormDefault="qualified" version="1.0"> 
«xsd:include schemat ocationz"iso/19103.xsd"/» 
<xsd:include schemalocation="iso/19107a.xsd"/> 
<xsd:include schemal.ocation="iso/19108a.xsd"/> 
<xsd:include emaLocationz"iso/19109a.xsd"/» 
<xsd:include schemai.oc n="iso/19111a.xsd"/> 
<xsd:include schemal ocation="iso/19112a.xsd"/> 
<xsd:include schemal ocation="iso/19115a.xsd"/> 
<xsd:include schemal ocation="iso/19116a.xsd"/> 
<xsd:include schemal ocation="iso/19119a.xsd"/> 
<xsd:include schemal.c 1="is0/19118.xsd"/> 
<i- > E 
ationz" KaMP/KOkKlasifikacijskaLista.xsd"/» 
«xsd:include schemal ocationz"KaMP/TPrikaz.xsd"/» 
<xsd:include schemal.ocation="KaMP/01-PolozajTocke.xsd"/> 
Figure 8. Part of KaMP XML schema 
GML application schema is made in accordance with the 
recommendations of OGC (OpenGIS Consortium) and its 
GML 2.1.2 implementation specifications. 
GML application schema provides an independent transfer of 
cadastral data gathered by means of various tools in a unique 
database, and from the base to data users who do not need to 
own the base, e.g. Oracle in order to used the data. 
KaMP GML schema 
«schema targetNamespacez"http://www.safe.com/gml2" 
xmins:gmi2-"http://www.safe.com/gml2" xmins:xlinkz"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" 
xmins:gmiz"http://www.opengis.net/gml" xminsz"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" 
«import namespace-"http://www.opengis.net/gml" 
«element name-"FeatureCollection" type-"gml2:FeatureCollectionType" 
substitutionGroupz"gml: FeatureCollection"/» 
<element name="PolozajTocke" type="gml2:PolozajTocke Type" 
«element name-"KatastarskaCestica" typez"gml2:KatastarskaCesticaType" 
<element name="Zgrada" typez"gml2:ZgradaType" 
substitution Group="gml;_Feature"/> 
<complexType name="FeatureCollectionType"> 
<extension base="gml:AbstractFeatureCollectionType"/> 
<complexType name="PolozajTockeType"> 
«extension base-"gml:AbstractFeatureType"» 
<element name="ID" type="int"/> 
<element name="x" type="double"/> 
<element name="y" "double"/> 
<element name="h" type="double"/> 
<element name="nastanak" type="int"/> 
<element name="tocnost" type="float"/> 
<element name="pouzdanost" type="string"/> 
<element name="elaborat" type="string"/> 
<element name="status" type="int"/> 
<element ref="gml:pointProperty"/> 
<element ref="gml:multiPointProperty"/> 

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