Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

The document named “Subsidios Técnicos 
para a Elaboragáo da  Relatório Nacional do 
Brasil"prepared to the Rio United Nations Conference 
On Environment And Developing - UNCED 92 did 
not discuss the cartographic activities to the Amazon. 
It is impossible to study some place without up-date 
maps. The geographic space needs definition from 
cartographic technics for having its limit established 
and guarantee the national sovereignty. 
On discussing the sovereignty concept and 
the national interesting the Minister of the Military 
Supreme Court Lieutenant Brigadier Sérgio Xavier 
FEROLLA (1994) told us at the National War College 
- Escola Superior de Guerra - ESG: “The Brazilian 
Constitutions ordains as the state principles of 
sovereignty and the national autodetermination. The 
nationality and citizenship do not exist out of its 
principles. These principles pride strategies to the 
Nation - State understood as a historical category and 
politic institution, economic and social. 
However, the national sovereignty principle 
accompanying the historical evolution. It is not 
limited to the geographical question, to the territorial 
limits only, as it was in the past; they have been 
produced by frontier policies, military or diplomatic 
Nowadays, it is certain that sovereignty 
involves scientific socialeconomic vision, technology, 
politic and culture that has starting point to the 
national interest and as goal the permanet 
consolitation of the Country, it historical continuation 
and progress for the national economic system 
particularly in the developying nations, that had been 
considered viable by the geographic exuberance and 
by the potential of sustainable growth, as the case of 
The Minister Ferolla former commander of 
ESG that has been produced the Brazilian Doctrine 
during last 46 years founded in 1949 to train upper- 
level officers and sellected civilians to perform 
executive doctrines and advisory functions in the 
Brazilian State, introduced to us the Fifth National 
Power Expression - the Science and Technology. The 
other is Social, Military, Economic and Psychosocial. 
This author studied at ESG, in 1994, indicated by the 
Rector of the Federal Fluminense University - UFF, 
the Professor José Raymundo Martins Roméo. 
Nowadays the commander of ESG is the General of 
Army Expedito Hermes Rego Miranda. 
Considering the tropical area and its 
continental dimensions of the Amazon that represents ' 
a significant challenge to the Brazilian Air Force in its 
cartographic and remote sensing activities. The FAB 
will create the Brazilian Monitoring System where the 
cartographic and remote sensing products will be: 
- MSS - detailed thematic mapping fixed to the EMB - 
145 Brazilian airplane 
- SAR - fixed to the EMB - 145 Brazilian airplane - 
Cartographic up-date; 
New maps; 
Digital elevation models - DEM’s; 
Radar image - maps. 
The SAR characteristics are: 
- high spatial resolution; 
- positioning error 100 m; 
- mapping producing in the scales: 1:25.000, 1:50.000, 
1:100.000, 1:250.000, 1:500.000 and 1:1.000.000. 
The SAR is able to operate night and day in 
two bands: X for cartography and L to the biomass 
The SAR parameters are: 
- spatial resolution - 3,6 and 18 meters; 
- scanner range - 10/20, 20/40 and 20/120 km; 
- operation altitude - 6 000 m; 
- X band (3,0 cm) - interpherometric capacity; 
- L band ( 25,0 cm) - multipolarization capacity. 
The SAR applications are: 
- for X band - digital elevation models - DEM"s, 
mapping, vigilance, civilian defense support; 
- for L band - biomass available, land use, geology 
survey and swampy areas determination 
The Radar imagery are: 
- Air/air mode: 
. scanner - 360°;Reach - 70 km, DP=90%, Radar Cross 
Section = 2,0 m; 
Variable beam in elevation; 
scanner angular speed - 18°/seg 
.moving target indicator; 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998

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