Full text: Révision (Première partie)

To construct contours there are defined coordinates of discrete points, lying on the con- 
tours. The obtained data are arranged in required succession. Two solutions of that problem are 
realized : 
- preliminary transition to regular net and subsequent determination of co-ordinates of points 
of contours with small-step, then basing linear or bilinear interpolation ; 
- the immediate scanning of contours. 
Parameter B in equalities (2) and (3) can be defined under conditions, when : 
M ( A H) = min ad 
2 act 
or EV, = min, géc 
where M (AH) is mathematical expectation, determined by a certain field of checking vertical ph 
: . gre 
points ; V, - divergence between initial elevations of points on borderlines of sections of "vi 
approximation with their meanings, obtained from function (3). tut 
Thus formed massifs of co-ordinates for plotting outlines and contours then are transfor- ma 
med into system of co-ordinates, adopted for plotting machine ""Kartimat - III" and taken out of lev 
computer to controlling tape in codes of automatic plotter (MTK - 2). 
The controlling perfotape obtained from the computer is putinto commitment device of the Er 
plotting machine computer for on-line work. 
The preliminary technical-economical analysis of the automatized method of map compi- 
lation with application of computer and automatic plotter shows the necessity of elaboration and 
practical use of special automatized cartographic system. The existing conventional signs must de 
be also improved. Thus, for example, application of the computer of the second generation M-222 Ce 
and automatic plotter "Kartimat - III", when drawing up plans at scale 1:2 000 by field tachimetri- me 
cal survey reduces labour expenditures of the plane composition of the 5th category of complexity ab 
by 14 %, with manual perforating of data. But when the measured data are registred automatically 
it reduced the expenditures by 45 %, leaving out of account the labour expenditure on maintenance 
of the computer and automatic plotter. If to take into consideration the labour expenditures on com- J. 
puters of the second generation and automatic plotter '"Kartimat - III", those expenditures will grow 
considerably even when the registration of measured data is automatized. In this case the introduc- 
tion into production of the mentioned technical means will be unprofitable, because the labour ex- 
penditures grows twice more, and value of works in laboratories taking into account amortization 
of comiputer and automatic plotter increases approximately ten times. 
Technical-economical analysis shows, that application of quick-operating computers of the le 
third generation, of automatic plotters with speed of plotting not less than 15 meters per minute de 
and considerable modernization of conventional signs allows to reduce the labour expenditures when de 
automatically compilating maps and plans approximately 3 - 4 times, in comparison with the applied ef 
nowadays technology. pl 
As far as efficiency and possibilities of complex utilization of terrain data are concerned the automatization 
using computer-based digital methods of data processing is considered to be of great prospects. Automated map making 
system is presented by a number of interacted units, each of them provides control of a certain procedure. Digital topo- 
graphic data can be repeatedly used for the automated compiling of maps and plans, map revision and also for the solu- 
tion of different problems in cartography and engineering. In the paper, a general block diagram illustrating the automa- d! 
tization of making large-scale plans is discussed. In addition, the paper gives basic characteristics of algorithms and 
programs providing the software necessary for automated processing of data on relief and planimetric details, obtained oe 
from the photographic images of the terrain and geodetic survey. These characteristics are also concerned with auto- 
mated compilation and representation of marginal data of graphical plans. The authors represent the results of final i C 
adjustment of the program which produces a digital model of terrain and those obtained during investigation of various le 
terrain approximation methods and automatic drawing of contour lines on plans. qi 
The preliminary calculations show that the automatization of making topographic plans reduce the production de 
cost and time. The economic advantages depend on plan scales and terrain features available. éÉN 
- 70 - 

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