Full text: Révision (Troisième partie)

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Newly developed technical means and methods related to stereophotogrammetric survey 
allow for production of maps and plans using different process versions. A team of scientific 
workers who are with TSNIIGAiK developed an algorithmic description of the problem concerned 
with an optimum technical project for surveys of a scale of 1:25 000- 1:2 000 to be performed by 
means of stereophotogrammetric method, and compiled the corresponding program to be haulded 
by computers M-222, M-220 and BESM-4. 
The program can cover the following basic items : aerial survey, radio measurements 
to obtain the coordinates of the projection centers of aerial photographs with the help of aircraft 
equipment, levelling, marking, planimetry and contour lines ; interpretation ; photogrammetric 
control ; production of photoplans ; creation of map manuscripts ; preparation of maps for issue. 
The program allows for automatic computation, with various process versions, of 
possible scales and parameters of aerial survey, the amount of work to be performed, and labour 
and money expenditure as to field and office work in terms of standard estimates. 
Two versions of the project are possible as follows : 
- the aerial survey scale and the amount of work on planimetry and contour lines are obtained 
from computer ; 
- the both are accepted as initial values. 
The computation of the amount of work on aerial survey and on planimetry and contour 
lines is based on a geometrical method where an area under survey is divided into squares using 
topographic maps of larger scale and it is assumed that in the squares standard parameters and 
operating methods are employed. 
Labour and money expenditure is computed using estimates and ratings contained in the 
external storage of the computer. The estimates and ratings which depend on the aerial survey 
scale are represented by a continuous range, thereby ensuring their automatical handling at any 
desirable scale. 
The program assumes that the optimum version of technical project be performed in 
condition of a minimum labour, money and time expenditure required for the whole complex of 
aerial, field and office work. 
The program consists of five interconnected blocks as follows. 
Block 1. Computation of aerial survey scales concerned with photogrammetric control, 
interpretation and stereoscopic survey of relief and planimetry ; selection of possible aerial 
survey scales suitable for computation of versions of the technical project. 
Block 2. Computation of aerial survey parameters and cost. 
Block 3. Computation of the length of photogrammetric networks. 
Block 4. Computation of the amount of work concerned with geodetic control, marking 
and radio measurements. 
Block 5. Computation of labour and money expenditure ; selection of the optimum version 
of the technical project. 
Aerial survey scales required for interpretation and map compilation are computed using 
relationships which can provide the necessary completeness of the contents and accuracy of 
drawing the planimetry and contour lines. Aerial survey scales for creation of photogrammetric 
networks are computed with the help of formulas which might use, depending on the contour 
interval available, direct readings of the external orientation elements obtained from airborne 

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