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4.1 Treatment of Synonyms
Up to now all synonyms had (Par. 3.3) their
own Entry-line and Term-paragraph in the Glos-
sary. But only for the Preferred Synonyms (LP)
the latter one was complete with Definition
and Equivalents. The Secondary-Synonyms (SS)
contained the only important information:
better: - name of PS - but occupied at least
five lines in the Glossary.
In future, the PS only will have its own Term-
paragraph in the Glossary and the remaining
synonyms (SS) will appear only with their
Entry-line, in the Entry-List not with their
former (now cancelled) Index-Number, but with
that from the PS marked with a star (*). For
example: (each at its alphabetic place)
9250* blackening curve* (SS)
9250 characteristic curve (PS)
9250* density curve * (SS)
9250* gradation curve* (SS)
4.2 Treatment of Camposed Terms
A lot of composed terms (mostly of Adjective
and Noun) whose parts are separately defined
give no new information and Equivalents but
occupy much space in the Glossary. In future,
they will disappear there but remain
detectable in the Entry-List with the
Index-Nurber plus * of their main part. Both
parts have in their Term-paragraph the Cross-
reference: Composition: name*
4.3 Treatment of Contrary Terms
Similarily, as Synonyms and Compositions shall
be treated the Contrary Terms, which are
necessary for the complete information but do
not need their om Term-paragraph and
definition. They appear in the Entry-List with
the Index-Number of their counterpartners, and
there under Cross-reference Contrary: name*.
4.4 Thesaurus-Arrangement
Already at the beginning of the WG work it was
discussed if in the Glossary the terms are to
be arranged in the hierarchical Thesaurus-
Arrangement (TA) or in the alphabetical
Lexicon-Arrangement (LA). In spite of some
disadvantages, specially with regard to
computer translation, retrieval systems and
Systematic researches the Lexicon-Arrangement
was accepted due to its easier production and
use. As the German Standard (DIN) which is
campletely incorporated into the Glossary is
ordered in TA and as this information should
not be lost, the Cross-references
- see: for hierarchically daminating terms and
- compare: for hierarchically subordinated
enable the user with a computer to simulate
Thesaurus access.
4.5 Some minor changes
.1 Broken writing
All composed terms will appear in the Entry-
List in two forms:
- Original form: i. e. "composed term"
- Broken form: "term, composed.*
the second one again with the Index-Number
(plus*) of the Original form in the Glossary
appears in the Entryd ist only, furnishing
also a kind of TA (Par. 4.4).
.2 Obsolete names
It seemed practicable for terms nowadays no
more used, which nevertheless should be
included in the Dictionary for the under-
standing of old literature, to introduce for
these terms (mostly synonyms) not one but two
- "obsolete" for all those ones which are
lingually no more used.
- "historical" for all those ones which were
connected with ancient techniques, methods
or instruments.
.3 Abbreviation-List
Nowadays even a professional is not able to
understand the headline of a paper due to the
tremendous number of abbreviations or
acronyms. Therefore, the dictionary should
receive, besides the Glossary and Entry-Lists,
a special Abbreviationd.ist with Index-Numbers
referring to the long form in the Glossary.
4.6 Revaluation of Entry-List
Most of the a.m. activities (Par. 4) will
result in an extended vocabulary in the Entry-
List of the Glossary language. So it is
indispensable to enter the Entry-List before
using the Glossary. Therefore, it must be
placed in the Dictionary directly after the
Introduction and before the Glossary, while
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B6. Vienna 1996