Full text: Commission VI (Part B6)

1992 - 1996 
by Prof. Habil. Dr. Vincas Vainauskas 
Lithuanian Committee for photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 
Vilnius Technical University 
The National Report of the Lithuania outlines activities and new achievements in photogrammetry 
and remote sensing during the period 1992 - 1996. All sectors are described including governmental 
/ private institutions, foreign supporters, education and equipment, and users. A wide range of large 
changes is delivered. 
KEY WORDS: Lithuania. National Report. Applications. Institutions. 
The Lithuanian Committee for 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing is fully 
public organization and funded not by any 
institutions. There are about 25 members. 
The journals: “Land Planning and 
Reclamation” and “Geodesy = and 
Cartography” are open for reports, papers or 
articles for photogrammetry. 
After regaining the Independence in 1990 
the great impetus to development of 
Lithuanian photogrammetry had been given. 
During six years of the Independence we 
have gained the extensive support of many 
developed countries of the Europe. Many 
former state boards and enterprises had been 
reorganized and consequently they had got 
new names. 
In 1993 was realized the joint governmental 
project of Lithuania and Switzerland: 
“Renewal of basic cartography” for the State 
Institute of Aerophotogeodesy. As a 
sequence of this project there were installed 
three Leica Analytical photogrammetric 
stations SD 3000, Intergraph Workstations on 
Microstations / Windows NT: Leica TA 100 
plotting table, HP 650 ink jet color plotter 
and for reproduction and printing: Macintosh 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B6. Vienna 1996 
Desktop publishing, AGFA repromaster, 
Klimsch Pontica camera, FAG Korrex 
printing machine and etc. for the field works 
had been delivered four Leica GPS stations. 
Now this system is used for renewal the 
topographic maps at scale of 1:10 000. 
Also in 1993 had been begun realization fully 
of a new joint project of Lithuania and 
Sweden for compilation of satellite maps at 
scale of 1:50 000. The basic works were made 
by State Institute of Aerophotogeodesy and 
State Enterprise GIS - Center for Remote 
Sensing and Geoinformation, and SSC 
Satellitbild (Swedish Space Corporation) and 
LM Kartor. The entire area of Lithuania will 
be covered and this work will be finished in 
this year. 
In 1993 also by Lithuania and Iceland had 
been established the joint private venture 
“HNIT - Baltic GeolnfoService (HB - GIS)” 
for activities in geodesy, photogrammetry, 
cartography and geoinformation systems. 
In 1992 on the basis of former Architectural 
Laboratory was established the private 
venture "CAD & F ProjectService" which is 
working in digital photogrammetry. There 

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