tance s' to the image point P* from the point of intersection
of the projection axis with the image plane is found by the
simple equation
s' = c • tan . (1 )
■ki the described imaging model of mathematical perspective
projection, c is a constant applicable to any angle of inciden
Already in computing an optical imaging system it will be
found that constant c in eq. ( 1 ) has to be substituted by
O = P (Tp. (2)
If c increases with increasing angles of incidence, all image
points will be displaced outwards (away from the principal
point H’) to an extent depending on the angle of incidence.
Any straight line not intersecting the optic axis will
necessarily appear in the image plane as a curve deflected
towards the principal point. If, in the opposite case, c
would decrease with increasing field angles, the images of ana
logous object straightlines should be deflected in the opposi
te way. The image of a square located symmetrically to the
optic axis will in the first case have the shape of a pin
cushion, in the second case that of a barrel. This pheno
menon can be explained also by assuming a magnification vary
ing with the ray's angle of incidence relative to the optic
axis. Barrel distortion will occur at a collecting lens
having its aperture diaphragm in front of it (Pig. 1).
Refraction of the principal rays incident in the marginal
zones, i.e. at a large angle from the optic axis, is pro
portionally greater, which locally reduces the magnification.
Similarly f pincushion distortion can be explained by a
limiting aperture behind the lens (Pig. 2 ). In the case of
axial-parallel rays extending from a test object, again
those incident near the lens rim are refracted by a greater
angle and consequently cannot pass the aperture. The aperture