Full text: The role of digital components in photogrammetric instrumentations

automatically to the correct position of the tie 
point in photo 2. Streoscopic observation of bothe 
photographs (2 and 3) allows clearing of x- and y- 
parallaxes in photo 3« 
Software developments for the Analytical Plotter AP/C-3* 
It was advantageous with respect to the existing real 
time program not to store photo coordinates but to 
store model coordinates. There was already an array, 
existing for this purpose« This array is normally used 
for transfer of model coordinates and parallaxes from 
the real-time program to the Relative Orientation 
Compute Program. In the original real-time program 
a routine moves the floating mark to the well-known 
6 points for relative orientation. This routine had 
to be changed. Now it moves the floating mark to the 
tie points measured in the preceeding model. 
As we use the model coordinates of the tie points, 
Citre has to be taken that a z-movement of the model 
point does not result in a parallax in the photograph. 
This can be done by dis 
placing the model point 
not in direction of the 
z-axis but towards the 
perspectiv center of the 
no-disturbed photograph. 
Furthermore some 
statements had to be.added 
to the Relative Orientation. 
Compute Program for auto 
matic scale transfer from 
one model to the other. 
orientation photo 1 not charged 
displacement of model poi- 
from P to

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