Full text: Proceedings of Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation (Volume 1)

n CONTENTS (oont’d) 
Pa § e Page 
Characterization of the Detailed Roughness of Natural 
Surfaces by a Digital Surface Model - G. Hildebrandt, 
A. Akça and K. Djawadi 755 
ERTS Thematic Map from Multidate Digital Images - 
543 Z. Kalensky 767 
Land Use Mapping by Computer Processing of Satellite 
555 Imagery - R.F. Mills 787 
Data Compression and Data Reduction Techniques for 
the Visual Interpretation of Multispectral 
573 Images - N.J. Mulder and S.A. Hempenius 799 
Difficulties in Determining Meaningful Spectral Signatures 
of Forest Tree Canopies - J. Vlcek 805 
Effect of Flying Height on the Color of Imaged Targets 
on Color Infrared Film - J.H. Hansen 813 
Probabilistic Identification Keys - W.H. Anderson 829 
583 Should Stereo-SLAR Imagery be Preferred to Single 
Strip Imagery for Thematic Mapping? - B.N. 
597 Koopmans 541 
Report of Commission III Working Group on Geometry of 
611 Remote Sensing - G. Konecny, Chairman 863 
Resolutions 567 
List of Participants 569 

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