Full text: Proceedings of Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation (Volume 1)

CONTENTS (cont'd) 
Comparison of Geological Information from Satellite 
Imagery, Aerial Photography and Ground 
Investigations in the Tibesti Mountains, Chad. - 
F.K. List, N.W. Roland and D. Helmcke 
Satellite Imagery Applied to Earth Science in Canada - 
V.R. Slaney 
Electronic Enhancement of Satellite Imagery and 
Photo Interpretation in Oil, Gas and Mineral 
Exploration - C.C. Reeves Jr 
Analogic Techniques of Data Enhancement Applied in 
the Study of Geologic and Geothermal Features of 
Test-Sites in the Italian Region (Central Alps and 
Volcanic Areas) Illustrated by the Images from 
ERTS-1 and Other Remote Sensing Platforms - G.M. 
Lechi, A.H. Tonelli and C.M. Marino 
ERTS-1 Imagery: the Valuable Tool of Geoscientists - 
S. Palabekiroglu 
The Use of ERTS-1 Multispectral Imagery for 
Geological Mapping - H.E.C. v.d. Meer Mohr, 
A.M. Rakshit, V.D. Bhate and R.P. Sharma 
Coastal Microrelief and Associated Vegetation Recognized 
on Air Photos of Melville and Vassey Hamilton 
Islands - I. Resch 
Cartographie thématique automatique: Principes 
et réalisation partielle d'un système - S. 
Barconne, A. Fontanel, M. Guy and C. Lallemand . . . 
On Quantitative Image Analysis and the Study 
of Terrain - H. Th. Verstappen 
Statistical Evaluation of Multispectral Scanner 
Images - E. Triendl, G. Kritikos, M.D. 
Schroeder and B. Sahai 
Advances in Automatic Extraction of Information 
from Multispectral Scanner Data - J.D. 
Experimental Research on Some Methods of Photo- 
Interpretation - H. Schmidt-Falkenberg 
De la photo aérienne a l'image satellite: Methodologies - 
M.C. Girard 
Status Report on Automatic Classification of ERTS 
Imagery of Canada - D. Goodenough, J. MacDowall 
and R.A. Ryerson 
Multispectral Photo Interpretation with Flicker 
and Colour Presentation on the ITC 8-Image 
Carousel - N.J. Mulder and S.A. Hempenius

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