Full text: Proceedings of Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation (Volume 1)

CONTENTS (cant'd) 
Applicability of a Systematic Air Photo-interpretation 
Procedure for the Preparation of Large-Scale Soil 
Maps - P.M. Jawade and T.R. Srinivasan 157 
The Significance of Topographic Relief in Air Photo 
Analysis of Landscape Pattern - P. Gimbarzevsky 165 
Forestry Aerial Photo-Interpretation and Resource 
Inventories in India - K.P. Tiwari 177 
Preliminary Results on the Interpretation of ERTS-1 
Imagery for a Soil Survey of the Merida Region, 
Spain - F.W. Hilwig, D. Goosen and D. Katsieris 191 
Optimum Ratio Photo-Field Plots for Aerial Volume 
and Aerial Volume Growth Regression Construction - 
D.A. Stellingwerf 215 
Assessment of Volume Characteristics of Tropical Rain 
Forests on Large-Scale Aerial Photographs - 
P.J.D. Versteegh 233 
Lake Eutrophication as Indicated by ERTS Satellite 
Imagery - J.P. Scherz, J.F. Van Domelen, 
K. Holtje and W.L. Johnson 247 
The Use of ERTS Imagery for Lake Classification - 
F.L. Scarpace, R.E. Wade and L.T. Fisher 259 
On the Optimization of the Photo-Interpretation-Remote 
Sensing Processes and Their Applications in the 
Wetlands - the Danube Delta - N. Oprescu, 
V. Calistru, D. Rosculet and L. Turdeanu 273 
Some Possibilities for Operational Calibration of the 
Photo Interpretation-Remote Sensing Data; Some 
Applications in the Wetlands - the Danube Delta - 
N. Oprescu, M. Albota, Ch. Corcodel and 
D. Radulescu 287 
Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring and 
Impact Assessment - J. Thie and C. Wachmann 301 
Soil Erosion Toposequences on Aerial Photographs - 
E. Bergsma 317 
Evaluation of the Potential Uses of Earth Resources 
Technology Satellite (ERTS-1) Data for Small Scale 
Terrain Mapping in Canada’s North - A.N. Boydell 329 
Twenty-Five Years of Sequential Photographic Monitoring 
of a Tidal Environment - I.S. Zonneveld 341 
Remote Sensing Applications for Geoecological Studies 
in the High Mountain Environment - H. Haefner . . . * 349 
Forest Fire Spread and Energy Output Determined From 
Low-Altitide Infrared Imagery - B.D. Lawson 363

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