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Lcular, space
earth objects as well.
cal and
It was intended to execute photography in various conditions,
of geodetic
- taking photography of the Earth with one or two cameras,
and figure of
- taking photography of stars with a single camera; synchronous
surveying of stars with two cameras;
the necessary
pacity. At
lready known
nost accurate
ielp of
- synchronous photography of the Earth and stars.
Photography could be executed automatically at intervals 1 +
60 sec. or at any other interval exceeding 1 second if surveying by single
frames was executed.
Besides that, the cosmonauts were provided with hand cameras,
which they used for inside photography within the compartments of the station,
and for outside photography through the scuttles as well.
search is
rial cameras
:he ballistic
ieir design,
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. of the
The peculiar features of the photometric and geometric
calibration of space cameras are caused by difficulties of investigating the
equipment directly in flight conditions.
So, in particular, test polygons used for calibration of
equipment intended for space surveying must be of larger size and require a
larger volume of ground work as compared with test polygons normally used for
raphic system
ned that can
ength. Then
those of the
ng should be
and filters)
are deter-
mapping from aircraft.
For these reasons accurate determination of different charact
eristics of the equipment should be made in the preparatory period with due
regard to actual working conditions of future surveys. Here the calibration
work includes a determination of the picture coordinate system in relation to
the station coordinate system: this is needed for consecutive calculation of
actual orientation.
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Experimental surveying executed from the orbital station "Salut"
has shown that space vehicles equipped with topographic surveying cameras
of corresponding parameters open a new way for scientific-technical progress
in the field of cartography. The obtained pictures offer qualitatively new
information. These new qualities of information obtainable from space photo
graphs are connected with the following factors:
- a high degree of integration, i.e. the possibility of getting,
on a single photograph, images of objects and phenomena contained in a large
volume of space;
iphy were
-ars on an
monauts to
t for taking
- image generalization - optical, that of scale and for both
Earth curvature and relief; as a result, single details disappear from a
photograph, whereas the principal features of objects of large extension stand
out distinctly;