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When surveying is being done from high altitudes, the central
projection, in which the photoimage is being constructed (plotted), appears
to be near an orthogonal projection.
The images of objects of the same type as those obtained on a
space (cosmic) photograph, are taken in similar conditions of illumination
and undergo photochemical processing in similar conditions; therefore the
interpretation keys for identical map elements are also similar. This
permits one, after identification of only one object, to easily find its analogs
through the whole area of the photographic image.
Exploitation of the Soviet pilot orbital stations "Salut" has
given much useful and valuable information for various branches of the
national economy. In particular, space photographs made possible the
obtaining of data which shall considerably increase the efficiency of
searching for oil and gas. So, for instance, photography of Central Asia
was investigated for this purpose. Using the results of a structural inter
pretation of space photographs, a scheme of tectonic structure of the said
region was plotted. It was found that the structural interpretation can be
helpful in solving the following concrete problems: determination of neo-
tectonic and tectonic regions; detection of structural formations of the 2nd
and 3rd orders; to mark local positive structures; to reveal, follow and map
longitudinal zones of rupture and local gaps; to make qualitative estimates
of the modern tectonic activity of structural formations. Information received
from the space station made possible an analysis, generalization and new
interpretation of the available geological and geophysical data, proceeding
from a new principle common for the whole territory under investigation; it
permitted also a comparison of the .available data on modem tectonic
activity of the studied regions with their oil-and gas-bearing properties;
to detect areas of immediate interest for search, and to work out recom
mendations for organizations of oil-searching. As a result of a preliminary
structural interpretation, new data were obtained regarding presence and
distribution of local structures or photoanomalies which possibly correspond
to local structures.
Space photographs can be used for elaboration of keys for
interpretation of geophysical and other anomalies; for accurate definition
and correction of boundary lines of geological structures, and for
investigating the deep structure of areas covered with a thick layer of
sedimentary rocks.
The "Salut" has provided a large amount of useful information
for agricultural needs as well. The space photographs reveal
presence, extension, character, and dynamics of erosive processes. Such
information gives the possibility to execute planning and realization of
anti-erosive measures, and to rationally distribute corresponding capital
From space photographs, indications of secondary salting of
soils in regions of large storage-lakes on the territory of the Central Asian
Republics had been revealed which permitted one to immediately begin elaboration
of recommendations for soil protection in this region.