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surveys for the purpose of improvement of the technology of evaluation work has
begun. Large-scaled survey with the aid of helicopter survey of test sites with
the simultaneous use of two cameras allows one to obtain data about the
characteristics of vegetation with high accuracy by direct measurement and on
the base of interconnections between estimation interpretation indices. Some
indices, like heights of trees, diameters of crowns, and their lengths have
been measured on the basis of aerial photos even with higher accuracy, than
in the case of ground experimental work.
The combination of large-scaled and medium-scaled survey allows
one to improve the process and to increase the accuracy, and at the same
time to decrease the labour - consuming character of ground work.
In the USSR the surveying materials and aerial methods are used
for the investigation of the health condition of forests, especially for the
purpose of discovering damage to vegetation by pests, disease and so on.
False color multispectral films have appeared to be the most promising for
this purpose, as they allow not only the detection of damaged vegetation and
trees but to classify vegetation in accordance with the degree of damage.
During the last years some original investigations were carried out regarding
the identification, using false color multispectral aerial materials (SN-6M)
of the degree of damage to vegetation due to air pollution and industrial
gases or vegetation damage due to entomological pests.
For example, studying aerial photos with a scale 1:3000 and
1:5000, four degrees of vital activity of trees were readily identified:
good trees, slightly damaged trees, greatly damaged trees and dead trees in
the growing cover, damaged by industrial emmissions [9].
The investigations in the zone of expanse of Siberian bombyx
with the aid of aerial photos (scale 1:3500 u 1:3500) showed that it is quite
possible by means of interpretation to identify the damaged vegetation and
estimate the degree of their damage (the error is ± 7%). In addition, on the
basis of photos of both the scales, the degree of damage of vegetation was
estimated with high accuracy and there followed the classification into five
groups. For the detailed estimation of trees, large-scaled photos appeared
to be more promising.
The materials of aerial survey find their application in
mapping of forest soils and types of conditions of forest sites, based on the
landscape method, taking into account the relations of different types of
soils and conditions of forest site to the certain forms of relief, and
complex of direct and indirect indication [2, 12].
The modern level of the theory of forest estimation interpret
ation, the development of aerial methods and technical cybernetics can be
the basis for future evolution of the measuring interpretation of aerial
photograph and automatization of main processes of interpretation.
For the purpose of increasing the objectivity and maintaining
the quantity indicators of interpretation, microphotogrammetric methods can
be quite progressive.