Prof*Dr* Zbigniew S i t e k
Head, Photogrammetric Section
University of Mining and Metallurgy
1 Cracow, Poland
Biographical sketch
Dr* Zbigniew Sitek obtained hia education and professional
experience in Poland and Canada* Professor of photogrammetry
at the University of Mining and Metallurgy in Cracow* He has
published 70 technical papers and research reports and two
books* Currently /fpr the second term/* President of Commission
VI of ISP and Vice-President of Polish Society of Photogram
me try*
This paper discusses technical data conditioned by the quality
of map compilation, i*e* assumptions concerning the construc
tion principles of orthophoto instrumentation, assignment of
produced orthophotos and required accuracy of orthophotos*
The following economic parameters of the orthophoto production
are also described * amortization, production continuity and
•efficiency /width of slit and speed of scanning/, and relia
bility of system performance* The time and cost of orthophoto
production are analysed on Polish and foreign examples*
Oe rapport examine loa promisses toohniquos conditionnées par
le caractère d elaboration de cartes c*t*dj ,
- Principes pour les bases de construction de 1 appareillage
ortophotographiques, ,
- Adaptation de 1 appareillage pour e laboration des cartes
demandées, % ,
-.Exigences se rapportant a precision des ortophotoplans*
En plus, on a discute les suivants paramétres économiques de
1'élaboration des ortophotoplans;
- Amortissement, ' , #
- Continuité et capacité de production /largeur de 1 ouverture
et vitesse de scnning r
- Certitude du fonctionnement de système*
D apres les exemples polonais et etrangers on a fait 1 analyse
du.temps et des frais de 1 élaboration des ortophotoplans*