Full text: Papers for the international symposium Commission VI

3. July 1, 1979 - October 31, 1979 : 
Compilation and Analysis of the returned questionnaires by the ISP 
WG VI-1 regional representatives for their regions. It is proposed to 
discuss this work phase at the ISP Commission VI Symposium Summer 1978 
in Krakdw, Poland, to assure homogenity of the compilation and analysis 
for all regions. 
4. November 1, 1979 - December 31, 1979 : 
Return of the completed compilations and analyses by the regional repre 
sentatives to the board of ISP WG VI-1 for the preparation of the 
ISP WG VI-1 general report for the 1980 Hamburg Congress. 
In many developing countries photogrammetry education is still in the begin 
ning stage or even has not started yet. For these countries the preparation 
of appropriate course curriculae is of particular importance. To get a 
clearer picture on this item, it was decided to undertake a special sui'vey by 
questionnaire. This questionnaire has been prepared by Col. M.M. Datts., 
Vice-Chairman of ISP WG VI-1. It is anticipated that the results and the 
analysis of this special survey will be of substantial help for the persons 
in charge of planning future photogrammetric education in developing 
ISP WG VI-1 is a working group whose members are spread all over the world 
and some kind of a sufficiently frequent communication and information 
exchange among the members appears to be desirable. To achieve this to a 
certain extent the board of ISP WG VI-1 has adopted the system of news 
letters: up to now two newsletters have been issued and distributed (News 
letters I and II). 
It is considered that the tasks and the activity of the group up to the 
1980 International Copgress of Photogrammetry is fairly well determined and 
known. The future work program is clearly defined by the time table listed 
under 2j, What remains to be done -at the Krakow Symposium- is the 
preparation of a specific work and session program for ISP WG VI-1 at the 
1980 Congress.

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