the fact, that for two years all prototypes of
cranes have been examined by photogrammetric methods
and at the present moment the measurements are carried
out by the Photogrametric Laboratory of the Enterprise
of Geodesy. The guickness and simultaneity registra
tion of entire process and the possibility of
determination of the numerical model with an arbitra
rily large number points and arbitrary location of
points are the main advantage of photogrammetry rela
tive to other methods.
2*5* The measurement of technical and natural processes
This category of applications is characterized by
dynamical registration of phenomena. The qualitive and
guantitative information about the processes serves on
the one hand the cognitive purpose on the other provides
the prognosis of natural processes. The applications of
this type may be divided into two groups. The first is
represented by the measurement of speedy processes. The
classical examples are the photogrammetric measurement of
the displacements and strains of an aluminium circular
membrane in the process of explosive forming /8/ and the
determination of the process of shooting off of stones
in a stonepit. The explosive duration was about 3 x 10"”^
sec, the displacement rate 20 m/sec and the strain rate
about 100 sec .The accuracy of the measurement of the
change in the shape of a circular membrane during the
process of explosive forming in relation to the theoretical
shape is ca - 0.3 mm. The result allowed to formulate the
theoretical description of the process.
The utilization of photogrammetry in the measurement •
of the process of shooting off stones in a stonepit
X^ermits to establish the limits of the danger - zone
with the accuracy of several dozen cm. The photographs
were obtained by two film cameras and the location of
the stones was imaged on the consecutive frames of
the film. In result of the measurement the vectors of