Full text: Papers for the international symposium Commission VI

h) as you know it, the ISP Council.1 resources aro very low, as 
compared with the resources of our Sister Associations; I must add 
that, along our copious exchange of letters, Ted wrote that he never 
has thought of asking any financial support from the ISP funds; 
i) I would like to make a distinction in this particular working 
group activity between : 
- the redaction of the manuscript, 
- the publication of the book; 
j) I appreciated the desire of the editorial board to go ahead 
very quickly; it wanted to have the history ready for the 1980 Congress; 
I did not think it was really possible; Ted will have to collect the 
various papers, to balance them, to avoid overlaps and gaps, to submit 
the manuscript to the Council; the Council will have to circulate it 
among the Member Bodies and to get the General Assembly approval, which 
is only possible at a Congress; so that, it seems that it is not possi 
ble to have the book printed for the 1980 Congress; it would be a real 
success to have the manuscript approved at that time; of course, the 
editorial board would go on after the Congress, being entirely recon 
ducted under Blachut*s chairmanship; 
k) the preparation of the manuscript seems to be a job similar 
to the tasks of the other 40 working groups; the ISP funds cannot 
financially help the seven technical Commissions; so, they cannot 
financially help any of the 40 working groups; Canada and the other 
countries involved in the editorial board should support their country- 
l) the situation is different for the edition of the book; a 
financial help can be expected and obtained from : 
- the instrument makers and surveying firms, for instance to 
pay advertisements, 
- the sale of the book, 
- international organizations; 
ra) I do not think that we can support an action for any financial 
help from the ISP member bodies or from the major firms at the present 
time. Where to find a financial support ? 
- from the national. Societies ? Some member bodies have to be 
recalled by the Treasurer, backed by the President, for unpaid contri-

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