It is obvious that in the research fields (1) and (2) more or
less strong interrelations exist between photogrammetry and
cartography which should (also for economical reasons) be sub
jected to further investigation. The aim should be: a direct
possibly not interrupted) flow of data from photogrammetry to
cartography (from object to map).
But over and beyond the direct interrelations there still are
other points of view important for the information transmission
chain object - map. After all the task of the transmission chain
is(or should at least be) the production of up-to-date maps
since only these maps are, as a rule, usable .for the map user as
reliable basis for work and decision taking. A topographic map,
for instance, not revised for 10 years will hardly serve its
purpose. So the question arises where from an operational and/
or instrumental point of view improvements can he made at the
transmission chain which reduce the total expenditure of time
(with the same or reduced manpower). It is evident that here
the most important problems lie with the automation of pattern
recognition (object classification) in digital image processing
and the automation of cartographic generalization . First suc
cessful steps towards a solution of these problems have already
been taken, usable results in most cases only being obtained
by the application of interactive modes of operation (via dis
play) . Should it be possible to solve both problems adequately,
this will most likely lead to new basic conceptions as to the
production and actualization of maps, in particular of topo
graphical maps. But in view of the fact that up-to-date maps
are asked for today already, one has started in some countries
(including Central Europe) to produce photomaps as their ac
tualization requires relatively little time [4]. If for the
time being only one of the two problems can be solved in a sat
isfactory manner, the repercussions on the information trans
mission chain object map may perhaps be different to those
resulting from the solution of both problems. In other words:
there exist interrelations between photogrammetry and cartog
raphy the practical effects of which are at present difficult
to judge.