Full text: Papers for the international symposium Commission VI

C. Some further Proposals regarding the Cooperation 
between ICA and ISP 
o Multilingual Dictionary of Technical Terms 
in Cartography (1973) 
This dictionary published by ICA, Commission 2 (Multilingual 
Dictionary) contains numerous concepts which belong to the ter 
minology of photogrammetry or to the terminological frontiers 
of cartography and photogrammetry such as: photogrammetric plot/ 
photogrammetrische Auswertung, aerial photograph/Luftbild,? 
(no equivalent)/Bildmittenübersicht, pictorial map/Bildkarte, 
anaglyphic map/Anaglyphenkarte, etc. In connection with the 
planned revised edition (2nd edition) of this dictionary, a ço- 
ordination with the activities of the ISP, Commission 6, WG 3 
(Notations and Terminology) should be taken into consideration. 
A further coordination with the terminological activities of 
the Fédération Internationale des Géomètres (FIG) should also 
be considered, above all in relation to-the planned revised 
edition (2nd edition) of the ’’Technical Dictionary, Terms and 
Definitions as used in Surveying and Mapping in Germany”. This 
dictionary was published by the Institut für Angewandte Geo 
däsie in Frankfurt a. Main in 1971, comprises 17 volumes and 
one index volume, and gives the equivalents of the terms in 
English'and French. 
o Cooperation between photogrammetry, topography, 
and cartography 
• (ISP Commission 4 and ICA Commissions) 
As can be gathered from appendix B, the Working Groups of ISP 
Commission H deal with numerous problems directly related to 
topography and cartography. In order to avoid double work, it 
is recommended that here a closer cooperation between the cor 
responding Commissions and Working Groups of ICA be aspired 
after which should find its visible expression in resolutions 
drafted in joint action.

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