Full text: Papers for the international symposium Commission VI

ning wing in Dar es Salaam* The training is to produce 
operators for the photogrammetric Unit* 
* i o 
/xviii/ Uganda / 0*24 Mkm ; 9*53 M / For the past three 
years, machine operators are being trained in Entebbe, 
Uganda on a limited basis up to the Diploma standard* 
This course has been adopted as an alternative to 
a full Diploma in cartography* There is also a course 
in Photogrammetry at Makerere University Kampala, 
Uganda as part of the B*Sc* Surveying programme* There 
are no research facilities* 
/xix/ Zambia / o*75 Mkm^; 4*53 M / As far as the training 
of machine operators is concerned, it is carried out 
departmentally with basic information on photogram- 
metry at the Survey Department, Ministry of Lands 
and Agriculture, Lusaca* The operators are later sent 
to I*T*0* Enschede ; Swiss School of Photogrammetric 
Operators or to E*C*A. training centre at Ile-Ife in 
Nigeria for diploma courses*.No courses of Photogram- 
metry are run at the University of Zambia* Photogram 
metric course is however included in the Surveying 
Technology programme which is run at the Zambian In- 
stitude of Technology /Department of Technical Edu 
cation and Vocational Training /, Lusaka* 
/xx/ Zimbabwe No information as yet* 
3• Analysis 
As shown on table I most training on photogrammetry is 
done at the University /U/ level* Student seeking to become 
cartographers or surveyors undertake some courses in photogram-

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