Full text: Papers for the international symposium Commission VI

Centre for photogrammetry and aerial geophysics, 
Ile-Ife, Oyo State* 
/b/ College of Environmental Studies, Kaduna Polytech 
nic, Kaduna, Kaduna State* 
/ 0 / Auchi Polytechnic, Auchi, Bendel State* 
/d/ Department of Land Surveying, Kwaraa State Colle 
ge of Technology, Ilorin, Kwarra State* 
/e/ Federal School of Surveying, Oyo, Oyo State* 
These institutions conduct courses at both basic 
and advanced levels leading to the award of the Nige 
rian National Diploma in Surveying and Photogrammetry* 
For the Technician or Auxilliary level of Educa 
tion in photogrammetry, there are several departmental 
schools in Nigeria* Fully established among these are * 
/a/ Federal Survey Department Training School, Lagos* 
/b/ School of Survey Technicians, Ministry of Lands 
and Survey, Port Harcourt, River State* 
Here, photogrammetric operators are trained for 
the various governmental and private needs* Certifica 
tes are awarded and those who perform exceptionally 
well in these departmental schools are admitted into 
colleges of technology for further training leading 
to the award of the Nigerian National Diploma in Photo- 
Co-ordination * Training in photogrammetry in Nigeria 
is coordinated generally by the Advisory Board on Sur 
vey Training, a body set up by The Federal Military 
Government of Nigeria to control and monitor training 
in Surveying and Photogramme try* This body is yet to

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