Full text: Papers for the international symposium Commission VI

2. Detailed Report 
To provide a detailed inventory of the situation in 
Africa, the following interim report is made in alphabetic 
order on state by state basis s 
/1/ Bostwana . /0*60 Mkm 2 ; 0*65 M / The situation in Bostwa- 
na at present is that there are no formal facilities, 
specially designed for education and research in photo 
grammetry. Prom time to time the Department of Survey 
and Lands, Gabarone runs departmental courses on basic 
Air Survey. These courses last for a period of three 
to four months. Studens who show special aptitude may 
then be taught to operate the Wild B8 and B8S. The Geo 
graphy School of the University of Bostwana runs basic 
course on air photo interpretation as a part of their 
degree courses. Plans are in hand to expand this opera 
tion to be included in a Department of Earth Sciences. 
/i±/ Brcypt No information as yet 
/i±±/ Gambia No information as yet 
/iv/ Ghana /0.24 Mkm 2 ;8.86 M / Basic certificate is conduc 
ted here in the Department of Surveying, Ministry of 
. Lands and Mineral Resourses, Accra, Ghana. Also courses 
are given at the University of Science and Technology, 
Kumasi, Ghana to student of Surveying. 
/v/ Kenya / 0.58 Mkm ; 11.70 M / Photogrammetry is taught 
at the Department of Surveying and Photogrammetry, Uni 
versity of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya. This is at under 
graduate and graduate levels. There is also a Diploma 
course in Photogrammetry in the University. The ECA

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