Full text: Papers for the international symposium Commission VI

The part to be played by private organizations in assis 
ting the Governments in their effort to develop better and more 
effective educational system and in the establishment of the 
much needed research institution is explained. 
Future trend in the development of photogrammetrie educa 
tion is suggested and the need for realistic planning geared 
towards the development needs and prorities of the various 
nations of Africa is emphasized* 
In this, the first ever in depth attempt at stock taking 
of photogrammetrie education and research in Africa /excluding 
Francophone states/, effort has been made to gather available 
information mainly by correspondence and through literatures 
that have been seen* Hot much information had been collected 
so far due mainly to the difficulty in communication between 
most African states* There is also an apparent lack of interest 
and appropriate orientation towards this type .of study. There 
is therefore the need for funds to be made available for tra 
vel between the various states* An international research pro 
gramme should therefore support this programme of inventory* 
This would be the best way to make the study of Africa, in 
this regard, meaningful and fruitful* 
The results so far obtained are categorised into three 
• ) 
main groups of Education level viz University /U/ level, 
Technological /T/ level, Technician or Auxilliary staff /A/ 
level* As shown in table I, in very many states where informa 
tion is available, photogrammetric education is still in its 

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