Full text: Transactions of the Symposium on Photo Interpretation

Length deformation 
Introducing an error into the proper estimation of unit stream length, the 
length deformation could produce insignificant maxima in a homogeneously 
distributed stream pattern. These deformations are shown in fig. 1. From the 
triangle AiA'Z we obtain by the sine theorem: 
— —- ——— ; further m = 
sin pi sin cp cos a 
and by substituting sin pi = sin (pi'—d) and sin cp 
0° or // = 180° (also ò = 0°) this equation 
For the special case, where pi 
takes the form: 
The sign “ + ” is for pitch towards the centre, “ — ” from the centre. The 
graphs for determining the value of m when m\ a, <5 and pi' are given, are pre 
sented in figs. 3 and 4. 
Fig. 3. The graph for determining the value of m when m', a, d, and ¿d are given

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