Full text: Transactions of the Symposium on Photo Interpretation

By L. Sayn-Wittgenstein 
Research Officer, Forest Inventories Section, Department of Forestry, Ottawa 
Abstract The purpose for which large scale sampling photographs may be employed is 
described; past investigations and accomplishments are reviewed; the information that can 
at present be obtained from such photographs is dealt with. Current investigations and the 
most important remaining problems are described. 
Résumé Les buts de l’utilisation de photographies aériennes à grande échelle de régions 
modèles font l’objet d’une description; les recherches et les résultats antérieurs sont passés en 
revue; on traite les renseignements que l’on peut actuellement obtenir de telles photographies. 
Les recherches actuelles et les problèmes en suspens les plus importants sont mentionnés et 
Zusammenfassung Es wird der Zweck der Verwendung grossmasstäblicher Luftbilder 
beschrieben eine; Übersicht über frühere Forschungen und ihre Ergebnisse wird ebenfalls 
gegeben; der gegenwärtige Stand der durch dergleichen Aufnahmen verliehenen Auskunft 
wird behandelt. Gegenwärtige Forschung sowie die wichtigsten noch zu lösenden Probleme 
werden beschrieben. 
“Sampling photographs” correspond to the sample plots of a ground survey 
and the information obtained from them is roughly the same as that collected 
from sample plots, viz. detailed measurements of individual trees and the 
description and classification of the forest. 
In contrast to general-coverage photographs, which involve the photo 
graphing of the entire area under investigation, sampling photographs are 
taken of only a small portion of that area. 
To meet the need for exact and detailed information, sampling photographs 
are taken at large scales, usually between 1 : 500 to 1 : 2500. But, because 
only a small portion of an area under investigation has to be photographed, 
cost of large-scale photography seems justifiable. 
In the past, work with large-scale photographs has encountered the follow 
ing two main problems, only the first of which has been overcome: 
1. Photographs were not sharp enough for exact measurements, largely due 
to the effect of image motion. 
2. The scale of photography could not be accurately determined and reliable 
measurements were therefore impossible except where accurate ground 
control was available. 
There have been many attempts to solve the first of these two problems by 
using fast shutter speeds, panning cameras, or the image-motion-compensating 
Sonne cameras. The last method resulted in extremely sharp pictures but it 
had little value for measurements because scale could not be controlled. 
Today, the problem of image sharpness has been adequately solved because

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