all of them associate in pairs. Within the limits of each pair the distances be
tween the lines are the multiples of X which equals 120 m. We believe that such
proportionality of distances between the lines of thread-like cracks is another
indicator of the wave nature of fast-ice cracks.
Planimetric developments of oblique aerial photographs coupled to the
chart of the surveyed area constitute yet another proof of the effect of moving
water masses on the break-up of fast-ice. The processing of only one of the many
series of oblique aerial photographs enabled us to conclude that the thread-like
cracks cover nearly 24, of the ice surface, extending in one direction for a
length of eight kilometres. After the planimetric development had been oriented
on the report chart, all the cracks were found to be parallel to the general
direction of the shoreline. This characteristic is quite sufficient to prove
that ice cracks are not the result of unilateral roughness of the sea but are only
caused by the interference of two types of waves. The interaction between
these waves of different phases is responsible for the different distances be
tween adjacent cracks recorded on aerial photographs.
This interconnection between the ice and its environment explains the pre
dominance, noted by Professor M. M. Somov, of ice-floes of four or five definite
sizes among a mass of large pieces of broken ice. It can now be asserted that
the thread-like cracks of fast-ice, undetectable by the naked eye, completely
predetermine the course of the subsequent mechanical disintegration of sea-ice
and the original form of its brash. This is clearly illustrated by the aerial photo
graph in fig. 10 which shows freshly broken-up ice, the separate elements of
which are almost alike in form and size. The pieces of ice have very straight
edges and are remarkable in their exceptional geometrical form. Further
more, the two opposite edges are directly or almost directly parallel to each
other. These edges are 800 metres in length, which also indicates a certain
regularity, causing precisely this type of disintegration of the ice.
The scientific and practical importance of this interconnection is indispu
table: we can now evolve methods for a far more accurate prognostication of
periods when fast-ice begins to break up. It also becomes possible to plot the
areas of this weakened ice on ice charts, which greatly simplifies the solution
of the problem of a forced break-up of fast-ice with the least expenditure of
man-power and at a minimum outlay.
It should be noted, in conclusion, that further development of the methods
of complex interpretation of aerial photographs of sea-ice should undoubtedly
reveal other interconnections and regularities of which, so far, we know
nothing. With this aim in view, we must continue to improve methods of
aerial photo interpretation and increase its informative value. We must not
confine ourselves to single occasional surveys. We need numerous regular
surveys yielding photographs which can be used for comparison. In this sphere,
great advantage can be derived from surveys carried out on various scales
to obtain simultaneously macro-, meso- and micro-pictures of the state
of ice. We must also systematically process the materials of single vertical