Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 1)

Figure n° 6.North Wall of the Quitaraju Peal: 
(6041 meters) in the Cordillera Blanca of Peru. 
Oblique photography.Four levels of grey. 
(A):rocks.(B):firn.Double cross :indecision between 
fresh powder snow and clouu.Its length,990 meters, 
is equal to the thickness of 10 slices of a constant 
height slicing radar around a conventionnal 180° 
way-point,and equal to the length of 100 elementary 
cells for terrain analysis from Metric Camera or 
Large Format Imagery after an optical filtering cu 
ring a microphotography. 
Figure n° 8. Synthetic image (scale 1:3500 in the 
centre) elaborated after micro-densitometry of 
an aerial photograph-Kodak 2443 IR Color film 
Filter : Wratten 22.Four levels oi grey. 
Bla.ck areas (B) and (10) locate surface-water. 
The white areas are trees.Location :Rennes (France)» 
Raster 0,5 millimeter.Encoding : 4 bits. 
The obliquity from nadir,pproximately 30 °/is similar 
to the depression angle of a Forward Down Looking 
Radar or Infra-Red camera.Storage volume for a 
common strip (3 kilometers by 3000kilometers) is 
approximately equal to 4 Gigabits. 
Figure n° 7. White natural ground, mark close to the 
Assal Lake (Republic of Djibouti). 
X and X' s„re respectively the geographic and the 
magnetic bearings to a ground based radioelectric 
provisionnal beacon. 
Eight levels of grey.synthetic image with a cell 
(equivalent pixel) resolution of 0.1 meter.A and B 
mark the extreme values of grey which are introdu 
ced in the synthetic head-up display of the plane. 
Figure n° 9.Synthetic image (scale 1:3500) 
elaborated after micro-densitometry of a micro- 
photographical enlargement (234>5 times linear} 
of a Metric Camera photograph after transfer on 
a high contrast B. and W.film.Four levels of grey. 
Raster : 0,5 millimeter.Image n° 270. 
Black areas(A for example) and white areas (B) 
locate respectively surface water and bare dry soil. 
Encoding : 4 bits. Airstrip :similar to figure n° 8. 
Location : Tremargat area close to the city of Ros - 
trenen (France).Storage volume : 4 Gigabits.

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