Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 1)

80 d 90 
,00 9.00 
.13 9.28 
,00 7.20 
,39 9.93 
,40 9.00 
.40 10.99 
.40 5.20 
.25 6.83 
.80 10.50 
.85 8.05 
.70 7.00 
.88 9.86 
Gerberman, A. H., & D. D. Neher 1979. Reflectances 
of varying mixtures of a claysoil and sand. 3. Photogram 
Engg. and Remote Sensing Vol. 45. 
Mital, V. 1976. Optimization methods in operations 
research and systems analysis, p. 46-51. Wiley Eastern 
Limited, India. 
Parson, R., 1977. Statistical analysis - a decision making 
approach, p. 640-660. Harper and Row, New York. 
Venkatachalam, G., V. K. R. Jeyasingh, 1986. A 
soil reflectance model for remote sensing of resources 
International Conference on Advances in Patern 
Recognition and Digital Techniques. Calcutta, India. 
on the 
third Princi- 
ient of 0.66 
can be used 
n grain sizes 
ng independ- 
/erage corre- 
late. Results 
ion technique 
i coefficient 
n . However, 
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ion technique 
ird error of 
ird deviation 
s that there 
of the regre- 
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lability level 
e confidence 
This suggests 
tistical sense 
r relationship 
d reflectance 
lization tech- 
ig the grain 
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del is statis- 
le usefulness 
ever, further 
echnique for

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