Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 1)

5. Piedmont zone 
It is ranked V in the productivity ranking 
by virtue of its very low capability and 
severe limitations. The piedmont zone con 
sists of unassorted and unconsolidated 
colluvio-fluvial material (boulders to clay 
particles). Sheet wash, gully erosion and 
mass movement are the dominant processes in 
this land class. The slope ranges between 
2° and 5°. The groundwater potential is very 
poor. This zone is covered with grass, 
thorny bushes, forest and in a very few pla 
ces turmeric is cultivated. This land class 
requires intensive management practices like 
prevention of felling of trees to mitigate 
soil erosion and gullying. Deforested slopes 
should be afforested and contour, terrace 
cultivation should be practised. 
6. Hills 
This is the most unproductive land class with 
very great limitations and with the least or 
minimum capability and is hence ranked VI in 
the productivity ranking. The hill slopes 
vary from 5° to 15° (moderately steep) in the 
lower debris slopes, to 15° to 55° and more 
(steep, very steep to vertical) in the 
higher defluctional slopes. The steep to 
very steep slopes are subject to extensive 
rainwash and mass movement which results in 
development of gullies in the lower debris 
slopes. Most of the hills and hill slopes 
are covered with dry deciduous forests and 
thorny forests. This land class also like 
class V needs intensive management practi 
ces like prevention of felling of trees to 
mitigate soil erosion and gullying. Defores 
ted slopes should be afforested. These 
lands are suited only for afforestation, 
wild life, recreation and protection of 
catchment areas. 
A comparison between the geomorphic map 
(Pig.2) and the land use and land cover map 
(Pig.3) shows that the landforms have dis 
tinct controls on the land utilization 
pattern. The controls are direct and in 
direct. A clear understanding of landforms, 
soils, drainage and present land use in the 
area is necessary to planners for proper 
planning of future development with minimum 
disturbance to the natural environment. In 
the study area erosion is a major problem. 
The erosion can be reduced by growth of 
vegetation on the deforested slopes, and 
deep rooted and drought resistant grasses 
should be cultivated on the barren lands 
and on steep hill slopes. 
The authors are thankful to Prof. R. 
Vaidyanadhan of the Department of Geography, 
Andhra University for suggestions. Thanks 
are due to the Ministry of Defence and 
Survey of India for according permission to 
study the aerial photographs. One of the 
authors (S.V.B.Krishna Bhagavan) is grate 
ful to the U.G.C. & the C.S.I.R., Government 
of India, for the award of research 
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