time. revoli
by de
2.5 The 3 fields of development, mentioned so far, are now every day reality in practice. How- conce
ever, they seem to be only the first steps of a continuous process which has intensified and prevu
accelerated during the past 10 years. The technology explosion is gaining speed, launching new f° r
techniques and’opening new possibilities. The potential of digital computers and of software revoli
performance is more and more supplemented by electronics and physical components. The re
sulting developments are distinguished by still higher technical performance, more comfortable The p
and more automated working methods, as well as by more general and interdisciplinary scopes dimer
and applications. teclm
Although covering a limited sector only we may mention first the Navstar Global Positioning on th
System (GPS) which cillows kinematic camera- or sensor positioning in the accuracy order of possil
0.1 m or better, and also the airborne laser or radar profiling and scanning systems for direct
measurement of digital terrain models. Both systems are expected to have revolutionary effects. As so
as tas
The major new development are certainly the Geographical Information Systems (GIS). of the
They represent a very general concept of collecting, analyzing, merging, selecting, and presenting comp
geometrical and thematic data for various fields of application. Photogrammetry and remote vious.
sensing are the prime disciplines for data acquisition and data assessment.
Other recent developments carry similar generalisation potential to a similar degree like GIS. It with
suffice here to mention the key words: fusior
© Digital photogrammetric workstations are going to replace the analytical plotter
by combining various functions: stereo-measurement, image display, interactive graphics, 32 A
overlays and integration with data bases (see fig. 2). analy
© Digital image processing takes over gradually human intelligence functions, starting ^fh 1
with low-level operations such as image matching and feature extraction. ^
© Digital cameras are beginning to replace photographic cameras, at first in close range
applications. And they open the possibility for real time photogrammetry. • By su
The few key words are sufficient to demonstrate that we are up to even more revolutionary photc
developments than we have had in the past. The short review also makes clear that the de- instn
velopmcnts are launched by and based 011 computer technology and electronics. In a way our into <
disciplines make use of and exploit developments which take place elsewhere. This implies not prodi
only hardware development but also conceptual and methodical developments, in the field of
computer science in particular. Ther<
step 1
From a photogrammetric point of view an overall aspect of the developments is, perhaps, that imply
now the complete range of image information is becoming exploited, by more and more auto- it wil
mated methods, including geometrical, physical, and semantic image information. or se:
" tioil ]
3 Implications parac
3.1 The previous review has sufficiently pointed out that we have been going tlirough drastic ( l ;i y <
changes of our tools, of our working methods, and of their performance. The results are quite know