Full text: Modern trends of education in photogrammetry & remote sensing

structures and data bases, computer graphics, expert systems, networks), electrical 
engineering (e.g. semiconductors, signal transmission and processing), systems 
engineering, optoelectronics, digital sensor technique, artificial intelligence. 
Everything must be done to activate the primary motivation ("primary motivation" is 
defined here as "interest in the subject" as opposed to "secondary motivation" - "fear of 
penalty") of the student. This requires a transparent curriculum: the prerequesites, goal, 
content and success control mechanisms of courses should be described in detail, the 
sequence of courses should be such that one is a logical succession of an earlier one. 
Flexibility and a high degree of free, but meaningful, course selection and combination 
must be ensured. Modem technical knowledge is indispensable. But because of its 
abundance it has to be imparted in an exemplary manner, e.g. in project studies and 
special studies, seminars and colloquia, in semester projects and thesis work. 
Technical subjects should be supplemented by law. economics, languages, management 
techniques, and emphasis should be put on the practicing of initiative and leadership, free 
speech and presentation, discussion and moderation, team work and communication, and 
cost consciousness. 
4 . Graduate program at ETH Zürich 
For the purpose of concrétisation of what was said under sections 2 and 3 reference is 
made here to the graduate program of surveying engineering at the Federal Institute of 
Technology (ETH) Zürich, Switzerland. It must be understood that our system differs 
from the system in the United States and other countries in that it does not distinguish 
between Bachelor and Masters programs. We have only one program, which the 
highschool graduate enters at the age of 19 or older, with a duration of 9 semesters (8 
semesters course work + 1 semester thesis work), and which awards the degree of 
Diploma Engineer of Surveying. Surveying stands here for a comprehensive program, 
including cartography, geodesy, photogrammetry and land surveying. Although there is a 
possibility for specialisation by selectively choosing courses from one particular area 
towards the end of the program, there is-only one unique degree awarded. 
In narticular there does not exist a separate program for photogramme try. Photogrammetry 
is pan of the overall curriculum. Therefore, before a record of detailed photogrammetnc 
aspects can be given, the overall program must be explained. 
Also of importance is the fact that "credits" do not exist. The number of hours per course 
defines the weekly number of "contact hours" (classes and laboratory work). The summer 
semester has 13 weeks of classes, the winter semester 16 weeks. 
At the Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zürich the Division "Kulturtechnik und 
Vermessung" (rural engineering and surveying) is responsible for the three programs for 
surveyors, rural engineers, and environmental engineers. 
Table 1 shows the coarse structure of the curriculum, emphasising the program for the 
surveying engineer and those courses which have to be taken by rural engineers and 
environmental engineers as well. The basic concept is such that during the first year 
(semester 1 and 2) there is only one common strict program for all three branches. During 
this time the student does not even have to decide which program he/she will choose later. 
This first year is devoted to basic subjects, giving the student a broad exposure to a variety 
of different foundations. 
After this first year the student has to choose one direction. From then on there are 
practically no common subjects between surveyors and environmental engineers, except 
the selectivçsphotogrammetry andplioiointcrpretation (2 h) and remote sensing (2 h). 
During the second year (semesters 3 and 4) surveyors and rural engineers are jointly 
introduced into the basics of cartography, geodesy, photogrammetry', spatial information 
systems and surveying. In addition, the surveyor is further exposed to basic subjects and 
supporting subjects like algoritluns and datastrnatures and computer graphics.

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