Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Progress in Data Processing and Analysis

Author(s) Page 
S 1 
Special Session 
About the Importance of Commission II J.Pietschner 
within the International Society Tor <GDR) 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 
Advances in the Processing and Analysis K.Szangolies 
of Photogrammetric and Remotely Sensed (GDR) 
S 2 Manufacturers Forum 
New Developments in the Processing 
Software Tor P -Series Plani comp 
Photogrammetric Products from Leica 
J . S a i 1 e 
(Switzer1 and) 
S 3 Analytical Instruments (UG II / 1) 
Digital Photogrammetric Applications D.Wilkins 35 
with the Prime - Wild S 9 Analytical (Switzerland) 
PI ot t er 
DIGOMAT - The Analytical Photo- G.Bauer 43 
grammetric Restitution System of (GDR) 
Carl Zeiss JENA GmbH 
ANALPRET Computer Assisted and 
Controled Plotter for Teaching 
and In t er pr et at i on 
M- G -Gerencser 51 
(Hun g ary) 
S 4 
S 5 
Systems for Analysis of Remotely Sensed Data (UG II / 2) 
Low Cast Image Processing and Personal M.Ehlers 
Computers: The Macintosh-II based (USA) 
DIRIGO System 
A Low-Cast Image Processing System on 
a 3 2 - b i t RIS (!) Mi c r o c o m p u t e r 
N . J . M u 1 d e r 
H.R. K a s twin d (2 r 
L . „ B ]. G:' s i u s 
( Net her 1 an d s ) 
Systems for Reception, Recording, Preprocess i ng, Archiving and 
Dissemination of Remotely Sensed Data (UG II / 3) 
P.Lieckfeld 71 
K . - D . M i s s 1 i n g 
A Fast Storage Unit with Integrated 
Database Processor for Image Data

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