Afremov V.G.,Afanasiev I.Yu., Babashkin N.M,llin V.B.,
Nekhin S.S.
Central Scientific Research Institute for Geodesy, Air
Survey and Cartography ( CNIIGAiK ), Moscow
leremin V.K., Zabrodin L.A.
Optical and Mechanical Experimental Works ( OMEP),
A description of a new topographic air survey camera AFA-TK-
10/18 with frame size of 18x18 cm, objective focal length of
100 mm, and angle of view of 103° is given. The principal features
of the new camera are forward motion compensation, optimal
information contents of photograph, and a vacuum pump integrated
into the camera for film flattening at the exposition moments. From
laboratory examinations and flight tests the parameters as follow:
least. resolution of photographic image 46 mm -1 , mean zonal
pho togramrnetr ic distortion - 4 jnkm , mean square error* for
deformation and non-flatness of the film - 6 jnkm, exposure range
1/40-1/800 s, accuracy of forward motion compensation - 10%, cycle
period of camera - 2,5 s have been estimated. The new air survey
camera enables further improvement of technology of large-scale
stereotopographic surveys for production and up-dating of
topographic maps and plans and for digital cartography as well.
One of specific feature of modern ways of topographic air survey
development is the increase of its scopes for large mapping scales
up to 1:500. The sofistication of air survey works is directly con
nected with elaboration and introduction of a system composed of
modern technical facil ities (carrier, on-board and laboratory
equipment, air photographic materials) and the advanced tecnologies
of air photoimagery obtaining and processing. One of the most im
portant feature which determines (die quality of air photographic
mate rials' is the air survey photographic camera and that is why its
technical and operation sof i. sticat i on must be of the first prior-
i t y .
CNIIGAiK jointly with OMEP (affiliate of North-West Air survey
and geodesy enterprise) finalised in 1988 preparation of new AFA-
TK-10/18 topographic air survey camera. The camera has standard so
viet. frame size - 18x18 cm. Focal length of objective is 100 mm for
the angle of view 103°