The essence of the method is as follows• Use is made
of two photos of the areas of the surface obtained at the
values of the Sun azimuth differzing from each other by
about 90 deg. Using the technique (Matiyasevich L.M.,et
alo,1990) developed in the State Centre "Priroda" we de -
termine and enter into computer memory the combined mat -
rices of brightness of elements of the terrain correspon
ding to the conditions under which the first and second
photos were obtained.Since clean snow follows the lav/ of
reflection close to the Lambert ! s law for brigtnesses of
some element of snow-covered surface measured on two photos,
it can be written
cular to the falling rays, £ is the coefficient of bright
the surface element. Index 1 means that the formula relates
to the first photo,index 2 - to the second photo.
The corresponding brightnesses of horizontal sections
of surfaces shall be expressed as
Dividing formulae (1) by the corresponding formulae (2) we
shall obtain the so-called normalized brightnesses
Hence,the angles of incidence of the sunrays falling on the
surface element under two different conditions of illumina -
tion can be expressed as follows:
It should be noted that the normalization is possible on the
brightness of arbitrary area of the surface with the known
where E is the illumination intensity of the area perpendi
ness, t is the angle of incidence of the sunrays falling on
? C °S L os (2)