Image histograms and index can be displayed simultaneously with the image and a tool
box provides real-time pan and zoom as well as control point and training area selection
(Figure 3).
Selection Tool
Zoom Tool
Control Point Editor
Spectral Point Samper
i i
Pan Tool
Training Area Editor
Spectral Area Sampler
Figure 3: Dirigo tool box.
Image Data Management
Based on our experiences in remote sensing and the display size of the Macintosh-II, we
designed the image management system to handle files of 512 x 512 pixels. The
number of bands is limited only by disk space. However, the user can only select three
bands for display and interactive manipulation (Figure 4). Band description (e.g.,
spectral information) can be stored in the header and is provided to the user when an
image file is opened. The Dirigo system supports four different file formats: (1) image
data; (2) ASCII text files (control point coordinates or training area statistics); (3)
classified images; and (4) training areas for classification. Intelligent interface design
ensures that only files with the appropriate format can be opened for the selected
application tasks.
Figure 4: After opening an image file (here Marsh Island), the header information is
made available to the user. The user can then select three bands for display.
Image Display
Dirigo provides color display for up to three eight-bit input channel. The user can select
three spectral bands from an input image by assigning red, green and blue color squares