Full text: Fusion of sensor data, knowledge sources and algorithms for extraction and classification of topographic objects

International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 7-4-3 W6, Valladolid, Spain, 3-4 June, 1999 
multispectral images 116, 167, 1753 
multitemporal image analysis 130 
neural networks, artificial 175 
operationalization 123 
parametric estimation 167 
parametric imaging models 22 
pixel level (fusion) 7 
polynomial rectification 22 
pre-segmentation 108 
quality analysis 184 
radiometric correction 37 
reconstruction 12 
remote sensing 2, 68, 154, 191 
resolution merge; resolution enhancement 7, 191 
satellite data; satellite images; satellite images, optical 33, 37, 46 
segmentation; segmentation, image 37, 46, 199 
semantic net; semantic network 130, 144 
SNR 167 
spatial resolution 7 
spectral decomposition 61 
SPOT 83 
stereo data 97 
surface reconstruction 53 
symbolic scene description 144 
texture representation 61 
topographic objects, disjoint 144 
training data 164 
updating, data 12 
urban mapping; city model, 3D; human settlement 53, 139, 160 
urban structure 31 
vector maps, digital 139 
wavelet analysis 90 
WEU 123

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