Full text: Sharing and cooperation in geo-information technology

D. Kruskall-Wallis’ test or Friedman’s test on the variance 
analysis of several means of independent or correlated 
samples, respectively. 
Mti These tests must be used instead of classical Fisher’s lest, 
when population distribution aren’t normal or there arc 
inequalities of dispersion of the samples, respectively, in 
case of independent samples or correlated ones. The first 
test generalizes Mann-Withney’s rank test for two means 
under the same hypotheses, whilst the second one 
generalizes Thompson’s sign test. 
The test procedure is the same explained for the 
homogeneity of variance components; the ranks arc 
assigned to the arguments of the elements, obviously. 
This study has been developed within the project “Definition” 
of a quality model for 3D digital cartography carried out by 
digital photogrammetry, with suitable features for representing 
urban buildings, for planning mobile phone network”. Partly 
financed by MURST (Italian Ministcry of University and 
Research) in 1997 as a project of relevant national interest. 
National coordinator : Riccardo Galctto head of the research 
unit Luigi Mussio 
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