Full text: Sharing and cooperation in geo-information technology

International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 6. Bandung-lndonesia 1999 
W. Schuhr and E. Kanngiesen 
Technical University Technical University 
Of Applied Sciences of Applied Sciences 
Magdeburg of Hamburg 
Commision VI, Working Group 1 
ISPRS-Symposium Bandung, 1999 
Key Words : Communications, Curriculum, Education, Fotomatics, GIS, Multiplex, stereo-image archive, World Wide Web 
According to the terms of reference for Commision VI, WG 1, as adopted by the ISPRS council, this paper 
deals with the identification promotion of educational and training opportunities, 
promotes on educational material, 
identifies channels for international technical cooperation in education and 
assists in the development of guidelines for curricula. 
Consequently, as an important basic step to attract the public interest in Photogrammetry in general and to motivate students in 
particular, within this paper it is recommended, ISPRS should announce an international competition to find an attractive short and 
modern term, to replace the old name “Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing “. 
Suggestions in this respect are, e.g. “Fotomatics” as a part of “Geomatics”. Additional candidates for a renaming of our Society are 
according to CASE “Spatial Information Scences” or “Iconic Informatics”, as proposed by WANG. 
In order to establish a “traditional red line” for a curriculum, historic milestones in the field of education and communication in 
Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and GIS/LIS subsequently have been reviewed. 
According to this tradition the general content of a modern curriculum for Photogrammetry, as derived from the valid or suggested 
topics of the ISPRS Communications is stated. 
Though the following dealing with basics in Photogrammetry mainly shall assist in education in Fotomatics, it also 
stimulates for photogrammetric research and gives practical figures, even for amateur photographers, like a new formula 
for optimum base length for stereo photography or the need of the focal length for photogrammetric triangulation 
This also includes the report on a candidate for a new PC generation (!), the so called “3D tube” which generates 3D laser bases 
models within a cylindrical plexiglass tube. 
As additional news, videoclips successfully have been used, to replace sketches and signals for controlpoints for fectification and 
triangulation purposes!. 
Finally, in an outlook it is stated, today digital image processing system and GIS system stay within the good tradition of 
Photogrammetric Instruments. There is no doubt, these modern technology in conjunction with GIS systems, will replace the analog 
and analytical photogrammetric instruments, maybe even completely. 
Summarizing, state of the art guidelines for curricula in Fotomatics permanently must aware improvements in modeling, in soft-and 
hardware, as well as in analysis and standards etc. As a matter of fact, like in all parts of the daily life, the recent development in 
education and communications in Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and GIS must deal with the World Wide Web. 
According to the terms of reference for Communication VI, WG 
1, as adopted by the ISPRS council, this paper. 
deals with the identification and promotion of educational 
and training opportunities, 
promotes on educational material, 
identifies channels for international technical cooperation 
in education and 
assists in the development of guideline for curricula. 
Consequently, as an important basic step to attract the public 
interest in Photogrammetry in general and in order to motivate 
students, ISPRS should announce an international competitions 
to find an attractive short and modern term, to replace the old- 
fashioned name “ Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing “. 
Suggestions are, e.g. “ Fotomatics “ as a part a renaming of our 
society are according to CASE “Spatial Information Sciences “ 
or Iconic Informatics “, as proposes by WANG. 
An engagement in this matter might lead to a queue of 6 topics, 
which are the basis for guidelines for curricula, but are also 
suited to contribute to the discussion of renewing the names of 
the ISPRS communications : 
These draft 6 topics are 
• Professional Matters 
• Projects (suited for applications of Fotomatics ) 
• Sensors 
• Image-Generation (including image and text data bases 
available via,e.g. World Wide Web ) 
• Image-Rectification (including digital image processing, 
GIS etc. ) and 
• Image-Interpretation (including artificial intelligence etc.) 
In order to establish a “ traditional red line “ for a curriculum in 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, in the following chapter 
importtant historic aspects of our profession have been 

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