Full text: Sharing and cooperation in geo-information technology

attached to the Internet or a monitoring network via a 
cellular line or a VSAT. Clients from anywhere in the 
world, provided they have access to the Internet or that 
particular monitoring network could establish connection 
with the server and the server would then transmit real 
time images directly to them. RMS also provides the 
capability for multiple clients to access the server at the 
same therefore the monitored are could be watched from 
several different places. 
Figure 1: General overview of the system 
The system would mainly consist of 3 modules which 
a) Server module 
b) Transmission and Communication module 
c) Client and interface module 
d) Compression and decompression modules 
The task under the server module would be dealing with 
the interaction of the camera and the computer, prepares a 
communication channel to establish connection with the 
clients, send images to the clients and monitor the 
connection status. At the server’s site, the images would 
be compressed while at the clients’ sites, the image would 
be decompressed. Compression plays a vital role because 
without a proper and effiecient method of compression 
we cannot ensure of the delivery of a continuous image in 
real time because of the amount of data required to be 
transmitted. Currently, the compression method used is 
VDO Wavelet Video Codec (VDOM). 
The detail design of the above system would be clients 
establishing connection using TCP/IP connections. This 
is to ensure reliable data for security reasons i.e. login 
and password validation. In return the server program 
would get the clients IP address and broadcast the packets 
(compressed images) using UDP to ensure fast and 
continuous transmission of images. At the other end the 
client program would be ready to receive the packets, 
decompresses them and displays the images. This entire 
process would be done in real-time. 
The server allocates individual connection to each clients 
as shown in the Figure 2 below. This is to monitor their 
connection and to ensure that a proper communication 
channel always exist between the server and client in case 
of termination of either parties. 
At the server’s side, pictures of the captured images could 
be previewed. At the client’s site a proper interface would 
be necessary to enable the user to establish connection to 
the server either by selecting the server or keying the 
server’s IP address or names. 
The user is also allowed to disconnect from a particular 
server to establish a connection with another server by the 
assumption that multiple servers are running concurrently 
at multiple locations. If the server could be executed for 
24 hours without any interruption, the clients would be 
able to access it anytime for the purpose of monitoring 
that particular area.

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