International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 6. Bandung-lndonesia 1999
S. Gopinath Rao
Network Research Group
School of Computer Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia
11800 Penang, Malaysia
The communication, computer and consumer electronics industries are coming together rapidly, creating products and services that
allow people to establish links and exchange data without using wires. The main such device is Satellite. A communication satellite
functions as an overhead wireless repeater station that provides microwave communication link between two geographically remote
sites. Still another use of satellite is for observation.
One of the main challenging in the network world nowadays is to use it in a certain function such as like tracking oil spills, weather
pattern and other disaster warning. However most of this areas, network infrastructure is generally very limited.
The topic of the paper is an application related to disaster warning, which are fire, flood warning using satellite as a transmission
media. This paper discusses mainly the structure of fully distributed multimedia network architecture to support early disastrous
event such as fire, flood and also volcano eruption. Satellite has been the main discussion of this paper because satellite transmission
can cover a wide area over the surface of the earth. Using this tool will help us to monitor a larger area.
APAN(Asia Pacific Advanced Networks) is intended to be a
high-performance network for research and development on
advanced application and services. This high bandwidth
network is necessary to transmit data quickly over 2 or more
Real time multimedia applications such as document and video
conferencing are becoming more important in today’s high
bandwidth network. Many Corporate and Companies nowadays
are very eager to use this kind of system. It is mainly because:
• Multimedia application is becoming more reliable.
• Multimedia application can be easily seen, heard and
• To minimize costs.
A distributed system need to be implemented that can support
this high bandwidth network structure. The focus of this paper
is to discuss the design and implementation of a distributed
system using satellite as a main transmission media.
This distributed system must be very reliable so that it can
function well without crashing the system. Message passing is
done using IP. Thus IP packets are used to transmit both control
and data information to these entities and the output will also be
IP formatted packets as well.
This distributed system, which is known, as Remote Monitoring
System is a Central Multi-point Multimedia streaming system.
This paper will show us step by step from theory, design stages
and finally the implementation, testing and commissioning thus
distributed system.
The Remote Monitoring System
It is a system where a remote area is monitored from a distance.
This system which is also known, as RMS will be added certain
extra features. Remote Monitoring System is the idea of a
surveillance system used mainly for security purposes, i.e. in
banks and in industrial field (production floor).
It is a Client-Server concept. The basic idea is a computer,
which is connected to a camera, will act as a server. This server
will capture images and send it to clients in the sites through the
Internet. Here the RMS will function as surveillance system for
forest fire.
This system would be set up according to diagram 1. A camera
would be placed on a vantage point, like a tower on a hill top or
high rise buildings and would be attached to a server. The
camera will capture images is real time (streaming) and send
data to a nearby VSAT or satellite dish. The VSAT is used
because it can send data to satellite that covers a larger area. All
clients need to establish a connection with the server in order to
get the real time images. RMS is a point to multipoint
application, which means clients from several different places,
can monitor the same remote area.
This system would mainly consists of 4 parts :-
a) Server module
b) Transmission and Communication Module
c) Client and interface module
d) Compression and Decompression
The server module would be dealing with the interaction of the
camera and the computer, prepares a communication channel to
establish connection with the clients, send images to the clients
and monitor the connection status.
Transmission and Communication module mainly deal with the
type of communication used to transmit data from server to
clients. Images transmitted from the server to nearby VSAT.
VSAT then send the images to satellite, which later broadcast it.
On the other side, certain VSAT will receive the broadcast
message from satellite and send it to clients, which is connected
to the server. The setup for this system is as shown in diagram
2. The diagram shows how 3 remote sites are connected to the
APAN network using 56K internet.
To ensure the system is secured, a TCP/IP connection is made
with the server for login and password validation. The images
would be send using UDP packets in compressed style.
Decompression would take place at the client site. This entire
process would be done in real time.