Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

Introduction of SVG as a Data Interchange Format for Architectural 
Giinter Pomaska 
Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, Germany 
CIPA Working Group VII - Photography 
Keywords: Architecture, Internet / Web, modelling, architectural heritage conservation, vector graphics 
Web tools provide software for generating data formats and interactive viewing. Since the bandwidth of the Web is still limited, not 
by technology but accessibility of hardware, several companies introduced their own formats. Targeting to small file formats and 
One can observe that since 1997 3D environments are published on the Web. Numerous software packages were released to the 
market. Lots of them escaped soon without reaching importance. Due to the proprietary formats and the limited bandwidth of the 
Internet connections most of them became failures. VRML, virtual modelling language, was introduced to create and model virtual 
environments. This standard, defined by the Web 3D consortium, is more used for off-line presentations instead of distributing 3D 
worlds via the Internet. 
SVG (scalable vector graphics) introduced in 2001 is limited to 2D and should be the answer of the Web community to Macrome 
dia’s Flash. SVG is defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) for 2D vector graphics. The success of SVG lies in its 
standardisation and unification of this XML-based language. With SVG interactive viewing and animation of graphic content is 
possible. A visitor of a Web site can zoom through maps and drawings, containing a huge amount of data. The quality of the presen 
tation is high and even loss-free despite very large-scale factors. 
Users of SVG need conversion tools for transforming existing data to that format. Viewers are available as stand-alone software or 
plug-ins for Internet browsers. Designing Web pages with SVG requires some knowledge of the XML concept behind. This contribu 
tion will discuss the usefulness of SVG for architectural drawings and some kinds of thematic mapping. First experiences with fa 
çade drawings of Prussian classicism are presented. 
SVG (scalable vector graphics) is the World Wide Web Consor 
tium (W3C) standard definition for interactive 2D Web graph 
ics. This format includes text, bitmaps, vector graphics, anima 
tion and interactivity - everything from one source. SVG for 
mats can be generated with simple text editors, XML tools or 
converters. SVG files scan be viewed with stand-alone viewers 
or browser plug-ins. 
Flash is a proprietary format for animations from Macromedia. 
The format far spreads and is supported by Macromedias pow 
erful animation tool. Despite this software there are several 
good reasons to apply SVG. 
SVG can be used without sophisticated authoring software; a 
simple text editor is sufficient. Easy access via script languages 
is provided. The format is very well structured; the source is 
readable as a text format, while Flash is embedded in binary 
Referencing of external images enables easy updating of SVG 
presentations. Flash takes advantage from embedded images. 
But updating means recompiling. SVG references images and 
supports a much wider colour space and colour management. 
Flash animations are replayed as a series of single frames. 
Every image is precalculated and stored in the animation. SVG 
has extended features by applying interpolations between two 
positions. This results in a much better structured and shorter 
The Web community provides resources like tutorials, scripts, 
software and application samples. Not least SVG benefits from 
the advantages of a non-propriety standard. 
A raster file represents a matrix with colour intensity values. 
Zooming in or out is provided by extrapolation or interpolation 
of neighboured pixels. Loss of quality and information is ac 
Vector data are defined by co-ordinates (points) and path seg 
ments like lines, curves (bezier, splines) and others. The 
connection between two points is a path segment. A closed path 
segment defines a surface. Two points can be connected via 
infinite paths to each other. The shortest way is the straight line. 
Other ways need appropriate parameter definitions. Paths build 
the mathematical shape to which the visual attributes like col 
our, fill mode or line thickness are applied. 
The quality of appearance of a vector-based graphic is inde 
pendent from its zoom factor. The amount of memory is re 
duced compared to raster graphics. Therefore less transfer time

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