Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

L. Grammatikopoulos a , G. E. Karras a , E. Petsa b 
a Department of Surveying, National Technical University of Athens, GR-15780 Athens, Greece (lazaros, gkarras@central.ntua.gr) 
b Department of Surveying, Technological Educational Institute of Athens, GR-12210 Athens, Greece (petsa@teiath.gr) 
KEY WORDS: Non-Metric, Calibration, Orientation, Single-Image Techniques, Geometry, Algorithms, Accuracy 
Single image techniques may be very useful for heritage documentation purposes, not only in the particular instances of damaged or 
destroyed objects but also as auxiliary means for a basic metric reconstruction. In the general case, single images have unknown in 
terior orientation, thus posing the fundamental question of camera calibration (as in several cases no ground control is available). To 
this end, the known - or assumed - geometry of imaged man-made objects may be exploited. Recovery of the three main elements of 
interior orientation, together with image attitude, requires the existence on the image of lines in three known non-coplanar directions, 
typically orthogonal to each other (from the lines, radial lens distortion might also be estimated). Several approaches have been re 
ported for the exploitation of this basic image geometry; however, the expected accuracy has not been adequately investigated. In this 
contribution, three alternative algorithms are presented, based: on the direct use of the three basic image vanishing points; on the use 
of image line parameters; and on the direct use of image point observations. The integration of radial distortion into the algorithms is 
also presented. The reported results are evaluated, and promising conclusions are drawn regarding the performance and limitations of 
such camera calibration methods, as compared to self-calibrating bundle adjustment techniques based on control points. 
Under certain circumstances photogrammetry is asked to handle 
documentation questions for cultural items partly or totally da 
maged. So, it happens that old (‘historic’) images can be the ex 
clusive source for metric information; these may well be single 
amateur photographs. Not taken for photogrammetric purposes, 
they usually lack control information or camera data. Fortunate 
ly enough, however, man-made objects usually contain straight 
lines, thus being suitable for methods of line photogrammetry. 
But single-image line photogrammetry is evidently not restricted 
to old images; its uses include very diverse tasks like vehicle or 
robot navigation and metric exploitation of surveillance cameras 
(topics extensively studied in the field of computer vision). In 
fact, what is more important is an understanding of the underly 
ing image geometry, common to all monoscopic techniques. For 
the purposes of this contribution, a single-image approach may 
be regarded as consisting of three, albeit not independent, steps: 
camera calibration; image orientation; object reconstruction. 
Regarding ID measurements, one suitable vanishing point on an 
uncalibrated image may be sufficient (Grammatikopoulos et al., 
2002). For 2D objects, e.g. planar facades, two vanishing points 
of known angle permit to recover image rotations and the came 
ra constant, and hence rectification (Karras et al., 1993). But if 
the principal point cannot be ignored, rectification requires fur 
ther information (a length proportion). Regarding 3D structures, 
Gracie (1968) has derived all necessary equations for estimating 
interior orientation parameters and camera attitude in a configu 
ration with three vanishing points in orthogonal directions. Re 
sults have been reported with this approach by both Brauer-Bur- 
chardt & Voss (2001) and Petsa et al. (2001) regarding old pho 
tographs (the former also address cases where one of the vanish 
ing points is close to infinity by using appropriate length ratios). 
To the same effect, van den Heuvel (2001) adjusted line obser 
vations with constraints among lines for camera calibration. 
Unlike approaches founded on vanishing points, Petsa & Patias 
(1994) had presented an algorithm using image line parameters, 
estimated previously; these are subsequently adjusted to recover 
interior orientation and rotation matrix. This approach has been 
successfully applied to uncalibrated photographs of both exist 
ing buildings and a tom down theatre (Karras & Petsa, 1999). 
Here, the particular problem of camera calibration is addressed. 
Besides being a step towards the final goal of reconstruction, it 
constitutes a problem in its own right: How reliable are simple 
single-image calibration approaches, which do not rely on con 
ventional control information but, merely, on object geometry? 
Here, different formulations are discussed and evaluated against 
a rigorous multi-image bundle adjustment approach. 
In most instances, radial lens distortion is either neglected or is 
estimated beforehand (as in Brauer-Burchardt & Voss, 2001) by 
one of the simple methods at hand (Karras & Mavromati, 2001). 
Here, radial distortion has also been introduced into the algo 
rithms to allow camera calibration in one single step. 
2.1 Use of vanishing points 
As mentioned already, Gracie (1968) has given the formulae for 
determining the three interior orientation elements (camera con 
stant c and principal point x 0 , y 0 ) and the three to, cp, K image ro 
tations from the vanishing points of three orthogonal directions, 
which provide the six necessary equations. Thus, the adjustment 
refers here to the estimation of vanishing points from individual 
point measurements Xj, yj on converging image lines. The fitted 
lines are constrained to converge to the corresponding vanish 
ing point F(xp, yF) according to following observation equation: 
Xi-x F -(yi-y F )t = 0 (1) 
According to line direction, the equation can be also formulated 
using slope t = Ay/Ax with respect to the x-axis. Having estima 
ted vanishing point locations, subsequent determination of inte 
rior orientation elements and rotation matrix R is then straight 
forward. This is approach A.

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